Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Divine Punishment the Democrat Party Rallying Cry

Tides of Tyranny: Divine Punishment the Democrat Party Rallying Cry: How many reading this post have heard Democrat talking heads, spokespersons or liberal leaning media commentators give voice to how importa...

Divine Punishment the Democrat Party Rallying Cry

How many reading this post have heard Democrat talking heads, spokespersons or liberal leaning media commentators give voice to how important it is to be non-judgmental? Judging by recent events (Kavanaugh inquisition to name but one), Judgementalism has become the catchword or rallying cry of the Democrat Party. Worse yet, Judgementalism is beginning to ooze into American culture at large. When there’s a choice between what’s best for society and best for an individual who has allegedly done something wrong, we always default to protecting that individual. How’s that working out for us? Since the stigma of getting a divorce, having a child out of wedlock or having an abortion has faded, are we better or worse off? Are the babies who are aborted or who get raised by a single parent instead of a family better off? Are the individuals who are, to a fault hesitant to get married in view of the fact, they are apprehensive of divorce better off? Are we better off because individuals no longer wonder whether doing something distasteful or loathsome in public will hurt their good name or ruin their family’s reputation? Are we better off as a nation when unsubstantiated innuendos about one’s character become political barriers to serve on America’s highest Court? The very fact that we are so unwilling to “draw a line in the sand” and say “That’s right” or “That’s wrong” has our culture in dissipation, depravity, degeneracy and moral decay. Maybe if there were more people who commiserate when they do things that “wouldn’t make their mothers proud,” there would be many more decent people, to include politicians conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Nurturing of Victimhood by The Democrat Party's Li...

Tides of Tyranny: Nurturing of Victimhood by The Democrat Party's Li...: How much longer will the Democrat liberal left continue nurturing a sense of victimhood?   Only in America do people get so excited abo...

Nurturing of Victimhood by The Democrat Party's Liberal Left

How much longer will the Democrat liberal left continue nurturing a sense of victimhood?  Only in America do people get so excited about the idea of being a victim that they will even fake hate crimes against themselves to get that status. Only in America are there women publicly crying that they were sexually assaulted and traumatized because a 54-year-old, Supreme Court conservative nominee allegedly was involved in a compromising sexual encounter, at a party when both were 17 years old. Only in America do we have to come up with things like white privilege and institutional racism because there’s not enough systemic racism happening to allow liberal minorities to feel like victims. Anyone who has a brain to think with and been conscious for the last thirty years or so, should know that the uniquely institutional American sin of racism has long been a thing of the past.

An honest assessment of America’s 44th President must conclude that Obama got more votes because of the color of his skin than were cast against him for it. Once upon a time in America people wanted to feel robust, strong, accomplished, capable and talented to handle their own problems and difficulties instead of being victims. There still are people like that today and they’re called patriots, purists, nationalists, conservatives, independents, even old school democrats….and they come in all colors, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political persuasion and religious beliefs.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

How Liberalism is Destroying America via Politicization

Want to watch a professional football game? Are there not players protesting the National Anthem by refusing to stand for the flag? Have you watched a celebrity awards ceremony of late? Are there not Arts and Entertainment spokespersons making political statements? Want to go to the restroom in peace? Well, first, we need to know if you’re okay with sharing it with someone who feels like the opposite gender today. Forget about telling an off-color joke you heard? Better be careful; at best, that  could turn into a tabloid scandal, worse yet, local media might propel it to the forefront. And then the “what ifs.” What if the wrong group gets offended? Want to buy a costume for your toddler or pre-teen for a special occasion? Well, you better make sure it’s someone of the same ethnic origin or people will be upset. Want to go on a date? If you date someone of the same race, you may be xenophobic. Ready to marry your sweetheart? Then you better support gay marriage or you’re a homophobe. Is it just me that remembers a time in America where one could just live their life without paying attention to politics. Was that not a good thing? Remember that old saying? Never discuss race, religion or politics in polite company? Well, because of liberals and democrats, that choice is no longer an option. Is not the politization of everything sad? Sadder still, it shows little signs of abatement.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

911 Thought Shared

As a friend shared with me, I share with you. On this day, 17 years ago 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning tomorrow. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift of saving lives.
None of them saw past 10:00 am Sept 11, 2001.
In one single moment life may never be the same. As you live and enjoy the breaths you take today and tonight before you go to sleep in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Cultural and Ethnic Divide

Does it not appear that liberals seem to delight in slogging persistently to divide Americans into ever increasingly fragmented groups that are antagonistic towards each other? How bad is it? Are we not having raucous public debates about transsexuals who make up but a minuscule portion of America’s inhabitants? More and more, the way of behaving is moving from the “get on my nerves because you’re not of this race categorization or color pigmentation or male-female, or non-binary gender” to “you hate me, and I hate you” in view of the fact that variances are often unalterable. Is this not a detriment to America’s future as a nation because you can’t hold any group of people including our republic in concert for a protracted or long term when people no longer believe they share like objectives and principles as their fellow citizen?