Monday, January 21, 2019

How Many More Must Die

How many innocent American citizens must be gunned down like Kate Steinle (age 32), Danny Oliver (47), Michael Davis (42), Ronil Singh (33), Sabrina Starr (21)…Josie Greathouse (38); stabbed like Mollie Tibbetts (24), Robert Page (76), Terry Wendover (45) …Marilyn Pharis (64); killed by vehicular negligence/homicde like Amanda Weyant (28), Edwin Jackson (26), Justin Lee (14)? Blake Zeito (20), Chrishia Odette (13) …Ellie Bryant (4). How many more U.S. families will suffer a loss of a loved via shooting, stabbing or vehicle related death/homicide? How many more loved ones, must die from drug overdoses, as a result of narco-traffickers utilization of our porous Southern border? How many more innocent victims must die at the hands of MS-13 type gang members who illegally gained entrance into the United States though our open Southern border? Now we know the answer. The message is now understood. Pelosi & Schumer made that clear in their response to Trump’s border security address and border security compromise overtures. The Democrats didn't just reject the wall. They discarded Americans like Steinle, Tibbetts, and Jackson et al.

By turning a blind eye on securing America’s Southern border, the Democratic leadership is ignoring the prime narcotics, human and sex trafficking corridor. By doing so Democrats have dismissed America’s overdose fatalities as being acceptable collateral damage; MS-13 gang victims have for the most part been conveniently forgotten by the progressive left. Again, I ask why? It's politics as usual and it's a price the Democrats are more than willing to pay for their open border’s agenda. Thus, the Democrat party have rejected everyday Americans like you and me. All this for a vote and their intense vehemence for President Trump.

The presence of non-vetted illegals serves as a stark reminder of the dangers this nation’s Law Enforcement Officers and its citizens face daily from an untold number of criminal aliens now prowling our towns, cities and states. I ask you, the reader is this what the sanctuary-loving left wants to shelter from the deportation storm? Furthermore, the border crisis is not manufactured. It's consequences are real. See below link to gain appreciation of how the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment has become tangible to many American families.

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