What I have seen after having lived in Deutschland for seven
years, visiting other Western nations, participating in various military
operations/conflicts around the globe and having resided in America for the
majority of my life, is that the radical left of the Western political spectrum
is transforming into a totalitarian force in the name of
anti-everything, dependent on the context and their perception thereof. In a word, those political
leaders, candidates or supporters who espouse any form of collectivism as
preferred type of governmental system by which a state or community is
controlled either know not of what they speak or intentionally deceive a
targeted populous creating awkward obscuration where there needs to be clarity and
transparency. In summation, the perpetrators of such action circumvent or conceal the
reality of rule by Socialist, Communalist, Collectivist, Communist or
Marxist ideology. The fact
is, government by Socialism refers to a collective group of select
individuals that exercises executive authority in a state. They want the
government to control free speech, academia and wealth distribution in the name
of anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-misogyny or anti-bigotry; prejudice against
differing opinions. But let me tell you: when it comes to limiting freedom of
speech and distributing wealth from the affluent (rich) to the impoverished
(poor), the adherents of Socialism and Marxism take the cake.
They do so, all in the name of anti-colonialism, anti-capitalism,
anti-fascism…. Has not history taught us that nothing good evolves out of socialist or collective form of government rule, except for those few power
elitists whose buttocks are sitting in the throne of power? Those who are inept
and Janus-faced will become wealthier, those who are gifted or skilled will
only manage to live their lives, to a limited extent moderately unless they are
willing to become corrupted, and the honest underprivileged will become poorer
still. The Feminists who fight for free birth control pills and women’s choice
are ignoring the fact that many Collectivist governments fail to protect its
women and are heavily involved in child trafficking and sex-slavery.
In conclusion, it is clear the leftist who seek to reap the harvests of socialism cannot see
the forest for the trees. They are blind to the fact that high taxes have
driven businesses big and small, to foreign lands, destroying the livelihood of
multitudes of their own honest, hardworking and competent countrymen. Even the
Libertarians who preach unrestricted competition (free market) miss the notion
of impartiality (fair play) when it comes to economic relationship with Collectivist
nations. To me, such people are not so virtuous, anti-evil nor
anti-establishment; they are just too damn self-serving, naïve or too
simple-minded to criticize the political and economic realities of Marx, Engel,
Lenin, Mao, Nicolas Maduro…. Kamala Harris, Ocasio Cortez, Elizabeth Warren….
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