Tuesday, January 28, 2020

America's Holocaust

22 January 1973, the United States Supreme Court made a landmark decision when it ruled that the Constitution protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without government restriction. The results of the dubious ruling have resulted in 47 years of legalized abortion at any time for any reason throughout pregnancy. I refer to that date as America’s second day of Infamy. The first being the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941. Since that time, there have been an estimated 61,628,584 abortions that have destroyed the lives of unborn children. For those who may be mathematically challenged this number means there are more than 2,362 abortions daily and 98 abortions per hour every hour in the United States. The stats/data are both tragic and indefensible. 

If the above statistics fail to make one’s heart skip a beat, these additional facts might. The United States 2020 population is estimated at 332,000,000 at midyear according to UN data. Additionally, America’s population is equivalent to 4.25% of the total world population. To add insult to death, It has been reported and verified statistically, the total number of babies aborted in the U.S. equals the populations of the states of California, Virginia and the cities of NYC, Chicago, and Houston.  

Imagine if every single person living in the states of California, Virginia and the cities of NYC, Chicago and Houston were to suddenly disappear. Envision the global calamity that follows. It would be a reasonable assumption that humanity would be in disbelief, dismay, and horror. But when it comes to aborted babies, some people celebrate the massive destruction of human life. Others just don't give a damn. Therefore, we who oppose infanticide must speak for those who have no voice.

Abortion of the unborn is not unlike the atrocities committed during the Holocaust that resulted in six million innocent Jews being exterminated. Those responsible for both may differ as are the factors that contribute to the environment under which, Jews and the unborn were/are killed. The causal factors for perpetrating the genocide of the Jews by the SS and collaborationists range from antisemitism to blind obedience, religious hatred, and xenophobia. Abortionists/pro-abortionists differ in that political opportunism and profiteering appear to justify the means.



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