Wednesday, January 8, 2020

An Illusory Road Trip

As our spiritual crisis deepens, this fascinating interplay of perspectives, this dramatic clash of mentalities becomes the material for a great debate now taking place in America over our future. This discussion is found everywhere, from DC to LA, large urban areas to small-town USA, in living rooms while gazing vacantly at various modes of media, even staring at passing billboards that are no more than products of our own imagination. It has been said, “The use of traveling is to regulate imagination with reality, and instead of thinking of how things may be, see them as they are.”

Let us together take an illusory road trip. While doing so, keep in mind that a portrait is worth a thousand words. This being so, imagine the story a series of simple billboards may tell the occupants traversing the highways and byways of America’s road system. On this imaginary journey, we observe a billboard. The billboard consists of an electrocardiogram of a heart that suddenly stops beating. The caption read: When you die, you will meet God. What are the last four things many within Christendom calls the last four things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell? Have you really thought of these four simple words? Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell serve to trigger a fleeting reflection upon the meaning of life in the here and now and what awaits in the hereafter. Think about it. Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell… are the last four things toward which we are moving every minute, of every hour of every day... every year.

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