Thursday, April 30, 2020

Coronavirus and Its Possible Dystopian Consequences

Here’s the Reality: In this, the upside-down, other side of the mirror world America is fast becoming Orwell’s 1984... Across the nation, detention centers are releasing thousands of case-hardened criminals to the streets. From a face-tattooed social deviant in Florida “previously arrested on 35 charges who murdered a rival the day after he was released”... to a violent offender who “attacked his girlfriend's grandmother after being released for $50.”  Yes, the same COVID-infested, dangerous jails that they're emancipating inmates from. Keep in mind that many of these released inmates already have COVID-19 and walk among us. Instead of spreading cheer they may be spreading the contagion. Yet, even as law enforcement officers across the nation let these convicted criminals loose, they're ordered to conduct sting operations on social distancing wrong doers... A paddleboarder alone in the ocean is chased down by police boats... An Idaho mother is cuffed and dragged off a playground in front of her two children... Two women were arrested by Laredo, Texas undercover police officers posing as customers for the crime of running a nail salon out of their house and now face a $2,000 fine and 180 days in jail... We can only wonder at the dangers law enforcement personnel face from the twenty-something doing yoga by herself, and dare I say, not wearing her protective mask while practicing specific yoga bodily postures.
As Covid-19 went on its relentless gallop across America and for that matter, the globe, it spread with it the fear that governments and corporations would use it as a pretext to infringe on the freedoms of citizens with new dystopian-sounding monitoring methods. As could be expected, Artificial Intelligence (AI) enterprises/groups have developed video surveillance systems that can tell if we’re abiding by social distancing rules. It’s the latest example of the pandemic inspiring what some might view as ominous technology. In communities across America, drones are now being used by local government officials warning people to disperse, go home, and stay there... or face legal consequences.... “Fines are up to $1000. You have been advised.”
Is it a stretch to now envision the coming consequences of Local, State and Federal government over-reach, totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and authoritarian regimentation of all persons and behaviors within a not too distant dystopian society? Is a heretofore New World Order about to become a reality? Has America gone crazy or is this just a Mad, Mad, Mad World we now live in? Oh, and by the way, you wouldn’t want to know what happens if America’s upside-down, other side of the mirror world you’re in gets broken. Let’s just leave it at that.

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