Thursday, April 23, 2020

First Casualty of War

The first casualty of war is the truth” also should be applied to pandemics based on the manic coverage in most modes of medium. A cursory review of today’s various media modes shows nothing but alarmist nonsense from news outlets which are nothing more than rumor mills. When President Trump stopped travel from China, the alarmist media said he was racist and overreacting. In late March, President Trump mentioned the promising effects of an anti-malarial drug, that in part is an ingredient found in aquarium cleaners, that shows some promise in treating people with COVID-19. A man heard the story and drank his fish tank cleaner and died. To be clear, aquarium cleaner is not a drug.  It is poison to anyone who swallows it. How did the media respond? They blamed Trump for the man’s death. The drug the President was talking about, as I understand it, is an important medication to those with certain auto-immune disorders and possibly for those with COVID-19. It’s still being tested in several areas, and along with some anti-viral drugs might help those with the worst cases. Caution: Don’t believe everything you hear and always read the directions. And then there is the progressive media that attacks President Trump for his desire to get America back to work. This same media wants to keep America shut down to keep more people watching than accepting the reality that virus pandemics end. Ask yourself an important question:  During COVID-19 crisis, who has been more correct, the left leaning media or President Trump? Did not President Trump form a group in January to respond to the crisis? He did. Did not the Democrat controlled alarmist media ignore the response and instead focused on impeachment? They did. There really is hope that this crisis is starting to end regardless of the drivel by today's media lapdogs.

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