Sunday, July 26, 2020

BLM and Who's Playing Whom

Here's the Reality: The Black Lives Matter protests and riots ended more Black lives in a few weeks than the police took in all of 2019. Fact: Black Lives Matter is rolling in the dough. the movement raked in more money following Floyd's unfortunate death than they have in the history of their existence.  All this while innocent Black children are slain in their yards, their houses, parent's cars, and local playgrounds, and Black neighborhoods are terrorized, and Black businesses are looted and destroyed. and what did BLM spokespersons say? they said nothing.. Truth be known, by their silence they are complicit in the deaths of those killed, businesses looted and destroyed. Or, maybe they view the carnage and destruction as no more than collateral damage.

Something just does not add up. Black Lives Matter is laughing all the way to the bank while everyday American citizens of all ethnicities pay the price.  Why is BLM now making money hand over fist? This nation's progressive leadership (Democrats), Corporate CEO's/Boards, entertainment elites, and Soros neophytes are the Pied Pipers of the BLM movement. One plays the music. The other dances to it. When is enough, enough? Now is when enough is enough.  It is time to follow the money trail. The only entities that benefit from the Black Lives Matter movement are the Marxists, and of course their race hustling America hating comrades in media, government, entertainment, multi-national conglomerates... 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

We Need the Blue

The alleged “crisis” of racist police targeting black males for slaughter is in fact superficially plausible, but actually wrong. This rhetoric is a pretext for societal disorder, a Reichstag Fire for validating a revolutionary political agenda toburn down this system and replace it,” as a BLM spokesperson aptly put it. This legitimizing of an illiberal political ideology and violent tactics by civic, business, and cultural leaders now threatens to dismantle the Constitutional order and American civic identity of which American exceptionalism and political freedom are the fruit.

Here’s a reality that has more likely than not, been missed by liberal activists, BLM, left-wing organizations’ spokespersons, academia, the haters of police in general and even some proponents of law enforcement officers. Let me enlighten, or dare I say educate those who protest the very existence of police and those who can inform the uninformed about the facts of police racism as it pertains to Black, Hispanic, and White deaths at the hands of law enforcement and vis versa.

A 2019 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that “white officers are no more likely than Black or Hispanic officers to shoot black civilians.” Furthermore, according to Manhattan Institute study found that “if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.” Additionally, the studies reveal “The per capita rate of officers being feloniously killed is 45 times higher than the rate at which unarmed black males are killed by cops. And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop.” 

Each and every year, without exception, whites who are shot and killed by police officers in the U.S. far outnumber blacks and Hispanics who meet that same fate. In 2019, for instance, the totals were 370 whites, 235 blacks, and 158 Hispanics, were shot and killed by law enforcement officers. Is there a hint of anti-black racism anywhere in these figures? Not a hint! Don’t believe me! Do the research yourself and just maybe, the truth will st you free, that is if you can stand the truth.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Fourth of July 2020 Message

What are America's patriots to do? It seems the United States is at a disintegration juncture, and in certain circles, there’s prodigious pressure to denounce and dishonor our history. If you live in specific parts of the country, this might feel like America’s last Independence Day. But all isn’t lost, and we would be well-served to remember America has been here before. Our ability to overcome social unrest and restore the rule of law is what makes the great American experiment work. It’s what makes us great and proud. 
Granted, if you live in certain parts of the country, this might feel like America’s last Independence Day. What are we as Americans to do? Well, my friends, one must remember our Republic has been there before. We have in the past been able to overcome social unrest and restore the rule of law. What is required of us today is the same right-minded and may I add, righteous allegiance required at our nation’s founding and other tumultuous moments between 1776 and the here and now.
This Fourth of July, our Independence Day, we as American patriots should remind our fellow citizens, loved ones, and friends why they too should proclaim their pride in our nation’s founding, it’s Founding Fathers and vociferate or call out at the top of one’s voice, that the forces of divisiveness, revulsion, wrath and cancel culture cannot stand.
Let us recall what President Lincoln once stated: “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” The choice is now on our watch, as it’s come to so many before: “live free or die.” As for me, I choose to live, and to fight those who would destroy our Republic and do so as a proud American Veteran

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Time for The Curtains to Come Down on Counterculture Actors

It has been said that an optimist thinks that this is the best possible world. As a pessimist, I fear this is true. Today's counterculture movements actors appear to have two rules: Anything can happen and something must happen. I can't believe I said that. The last thing I need right now is to have my body riddled with bullets by annoyed collectivists of the cultural revolution over yet another post deriding the counter culture, radical liberals and the uninvited miscreants such as those now camped out in CHAZ or CHOP or, whatever they want to call that Marxist-Leninist-Maoist amalgam in Seattle’s Capitol hill precinct. And they and their malevolent behavior really pisses me off. Why? They’ve taken over parcels of property in downtown Seattle that doesn’t belong to them by force, just like those vile white European inhabitants of old. They’ve driven off law enforcement. They have their own armed band of insurrectionists. They issue mandates and still bank on, taxpayers to bring them clean port-a-potties and soft drinks. And, of course, sandwiches and snacks. The bright side of this dark cloud; At least the collectivist cockroaches are confined to a six-block area of Seattle. Now, where’s the Raid?

When Antifa and other groups’ militants took over a six-block section of Seattle’s Capitol Hill precinct, the liberal media treated the occupation blithely. They portrayed the takeover as a way activists, with limited resources can garner attention from an unjust and tyrannical establishment. Too many conservatives assume that the CHAZ, will end up something like the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Titanic or end like Occupy Wall Street movement. Both, a mere asterisk in history. Not so fast! The tenants have already changed the name to CHOP, which means Capitol Hill Organized Protest. Others think a childish display of progressive emotions of persons who will soon tire of their games and leave when the trash piles up, water is turned off and port-o-potties along with toilet paper are removed.

Regardless of what activist movements of the past called themselves, there is a difference this time around. These are not ridiculous mixed-up adolescents that act as if they are pubescents. They are revolutionaries with weapons and an itinerary. In case you have been in a monthlong coma, these terrorists have infinite media coverage that amplifies their effect far beyond Chaz or Chop or Seattle.

Here’s the reality: CHAZ now CHOP, a self-declared autonomous zone is a threat, as are its unsolicited denizens. They are violent revolutionaries that put forward their edition of class struggle to mimics across America. This is not civil defiance, but a methodical effort to remove sections of the U.S. from the rule of law. In other words, these revolutionaries have placed a restriction on the authority and influence of law in society, especially when viewed as a constraint on individual and institutional behavior; hence the principle whereby “all members of a society, to include government, are considered equally subject to publicly disclosed legal codes and processes." These violent players have proven their intentions by pelting police with Molotov cocktails, rocks, bricks, tire irons... Even now, they impede police, firemen and EMS from responding to emergency calls in their subjugated area, thus endangering further the residents they have commandeered. Indulging them with legitimacy will only inspire them to propagate. The only way to fight against these vicious actors is to deprive them of their stage. 

The role of these insurrectionists is not to overthrow the American government. They serve to propose radical goals that will captivate the public and facilitate the movement of all society, especially the moderates, toward a revolutionary target. By presenting a root-and-branch objective, they make slightly fewer draconian proposals seem more reasonable and helps the radical activists come across to moderates as the lesser evil. All too often centrists are willing to cede a little to avoid losing all. Kowtowing by Local, State and Federal officials, celebrities, Silicon Valley Technocrats and other crucial or essential liberals is the main strength of any extreme activists’ movement, not its anarchists and allied activists. Thus, liberals following a policy of surrender are the greatest danger to the nation. Both MSM and Social media that favorably portray these anarchic experiments are also more dangerous than the insurrectionists are. Both convey legitimacy upon the lawbreakers. Both help spread the class struggle narrative that has resulted in more misery around the world, than one can shake a stick at.

The most efficient way to end the experiment is to condemn and unmask these architects or actors. They are always found in civil upheavals ceding far more than what anarchists/revolutionaries demand. Paradoxically, their heads are more often than not the first to roll when, thanks to their limitations, revolutions succeed. We, the American people are being blinded by the curtains in the windows of our eyes. Either we open these curtains and see the production for what it is or keep the curtains closed and never see what's behind them. I am of the opinion, it's time for a final curtain call for all the actors. Like Gone With The Wind, the counterculture movement's latest theatrical dramas have run their course.  It is time for a final curtain call for all actors involved in this tragedy and recognize them for who and what they are; Marxist-Leninist-Maoist extremists’ composed of anarchists, revolutionaries, domestics and external terrorists aided by Left-wing politicians and Deep State autocrats bent on the destruction of the United States of America and all for the want of power.