Wednesday, July 15, 2020

We Need the Blue

The alleged “crisis” of racist police targeting black males for slaughter is in fact superficially plausible, but actually wrong. This rhetoric is a pretext for societal disorder, a Reichstag Fire for validating a revolutionary political agenda toburn down this system and replace it,” as a BLM spokesperson aptly put it. This legitimizing of an illiberal political ideology and violent tactics by civic, business, and cultural leaders now threatens to dismantle the Constitutional order and American civic identity of which American exceptionalism and political freedom are the fruit.

Here’s a reality that has more likely than not, been missed by liberal activists, BLM, left-wing organizations’ spokespersons, academia, the haters of police in general and even some proponents of law enforcement officers. Let me enlighten, or dare I say educate those who protest the very existence of police and those who can inform the uninformed about the facts of police racism as it pertains to Black, Hispanic, and White deaths at the hands of law enforcement and vis versa.

A 2019 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that “white officers are no more likely than Black or Hispanic officers to shoot black civilians.” Furthermore, according to Manhattan Institute study found that “if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.” Additionally, the studies reveal “The per capita rate of officers being feloniously killed is 45 times higher than the rate at which unarmed black males are killed by cops. And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop.” 

Each and every year, without exception, whites who are shot and killed by police officers in the U.S. far outnumber blacks and Hispanics who meet that same fate. In 2019, for instance, the totals were 370 whites, 235 blacks, and 158 Hispanics, were shot and killed by law enforcement officers. Is there a hint of anti-black racism anywhere in these figures? Not a hint! Don’t believe me! Do the research yourself and just maybe, the truth will st you free, that is if you can stand the truth.

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