Sunday, July 26, 2020

BLM and Who's Playing Whom

Here's the Reality: The Black Lives Matter protests and riots ended more Black lives in a few weeks than the police took in all of 2019. Fact: Black Lives Matter is rolling in the dough. the movement raked in more money following Floyd's unfortunate death than they have in the history of their existence.  All this while innocent Black children are slain in their yards, their houses, parent's cars, and local playgrounds, and Black neighborhoods are terrorized, and Black businesses are looted and destroyed. and what did BLM spokespersons say? they said nothing.. Truth be known, by their silence they are complicit in the deaths of those killed, businesses looted and destroyed. Or, maybe they view the carnage and destruction as no more than collateral damage.

Something just does not add up. Black Lives Matter is laughing all the way to the bank while everyday American citizens of all ethnicities pay the price.  Why is BLM now making money hand over fist? This nation's progressive leadership (Democrats), Corporate CEO's/Boards, entertainment elites, and Soros neophytes are the Pied Pipers of the BLM movement. One plays the music. The other dances to it. When is enough, enough? Now is when enough is enough.  It is time to follow the money trail. The only entities that benefit from the Black Lives Matter movement are the Marxists, and of course their race hustling America hating comrades in media, government, entertainment, multi-national conglomerates... 

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