Thursday, January 21, 2021

Throwing Light on Inauguration Theatrics

Inauguration theatrics have far exceeded the actual threat... Without doubt, the Capitol Hill rampage was unruly, appalling, and irresponsible. Anyone involved who broke the law should be held accountable. We have yet to see any evidence that those involved had a clear-cut, coordinated and effectively organized plan so that all the parts worked well enough together to overthrow the Federal government of the United States... much less what they would do once they got into the Capitol building. No matter what today’s liberal left infocracy has said, this action was not a commensurate threat as was “the British Red Coats burning down D.C. in 1812.” Did not these unprecedented and out of the ordinary martial preparations for Biden’s inauguration look as though they were preparing for a blitzkrieg type military assault on our Capital steps at any moment? The implication of all this is clear. The Democrats wanted to see D.C. as a city under siege from the Right. Did they not set up a demonstration of the forces at their command that was commensurate with the Administration’s pretentious and disproportionate fears of an imminent Right-Wing insurrection from Trump loyalists? Furthermore, they've convinced a substantial number of Americans that these excessive measures were necessary because armed factions on the Right will attempt to violently overthrow the United States government. But anyone who spends little more than perfunctory amount of time online looking at the state of politics in America would likely be overwhelmed with the aggregate or sum of apoplectic, non-compos mentis conspiracy theories emitted from all sides of the political spectrum. And let's not forget the four years of "Russia collusion." I was hoping to hear some actual fostering of unity to a divided nation during Biden’s inauguration speech. There was little stated during the nauguration nor witnessed prior to the inauguration nor afterwards that gave rise to accord among a divided nation. Instead of promoting some actual unity, the Democrat Party has apparently chosen to make the inauguration seem like it's taking place under a state of siege. We know who they blame for it. This is being achieved for political leverage and within the bounds of possibility to be the explanation for further pugnacious monitoring or surveillance against those with pro-Trump, anti-Democrat views. What’s more, it has been speculated the Democrats are cloaking themselves as victims now so that they can frame themselves as real victims of their political opponents later. It is a troubling time for the country. Time will tell the tale of what comes next. Let us pray that God in His grace will still the tumultuous waters of inanity and bring unanimity to our Constitutional Republic.

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