Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Election Mathematics is Obvious and Music of Reason

After examining 9 million records in Pennsylvania a renowned mathematician, Bobby Piton identified 521,879 unique last names. These unique names have no parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, or cousins who have the same last names. This is either a phenomenon that begs for a cause or explanation, or a surreptitious plan formulated in secret by persons unknown to purposely change election results. Did Piton’s testimony point out blatant voter fraud through incontrovertible evidence, as it pertains to 2020’s presidential election? Following his testimony, Twitter allegedly, permanently banned his twitter account. If so, why? To some, “obvious” is the most dangerous word in mathematics. To others mathematics is the “music of reason.” According to my way of thinking, life like elections, is a math equation. To gain the most, you must know how to convert negatives into positives. Hence, it appears something is rotten in the state of Pennsylvania and likely in the states of Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, Arizona... with voting irregularities as they are it is little wonder why the Electoral Integrity Project rates the U.S. right down there with some of the world’s lowest bottom dwellers (lowest-ranked nations), as it relates to elections chicanery and associated malfeasance. We are just a step or two ahead of Syria, Ethiopia, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, North Korea, Venezuela... Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves. What say you?

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