Thursday, December 17, 2020

Cumulative Battle for The Future of America

In an Army career spanning 30 years (65-95), I have witnessed the end result of socialism, communism, neo-Marxism, Maoism and radicalism. I have observed its oppression of people in East Berlin. I have fought its combatants in Southeast Asia, and its proxies in the deserts of the Middle East and Africa. Though, in my wildest dreams, did I ever in my lifetime expect that America would one day become the cynosure of the battle between totalitarianism and liberty. Many Americans believe communism is an abstract concept, something that only affects faraway nations, without realizing that it has already arrived at our doorstep. Communism has spread in America under names like socialism, progressivism, liberalism, neo-Marxism, Maoism... among others, in a gradual progression over years of systematic subversion and sedition by first the Soviets, followed by the Chinese and now from within our own borders and institutions. Those who espouse socialism, thereby Marxist doctrine now occupy congressional seats of power within the Democrat Party, to include its leadership. Academe’s rank and file now embrace collectivism and actively indoctrinate their students, who in turn rail against our democratic form of government. Home spun domestic revolutionary organizations/groups by which activists and hooligans alike, at the behest of outside firebrand demagogues attempt to seize control of the economy and the government by direct means, all in the name of syndicalism... and so on and so forth. This cumulative battle for the future of America, and with it, the rest of the world is now coming into play on our home turf, as evidenced in our just concluded, yet contested presidential election. This is a conflict that transcends partisanship and party affiliation.

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