Thursday, December 3, 2020

Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse and 2020's Election

Given recent witness attestations of voting irregularities and bolstered by arithmetic calculations, the election night ballot drops for President elect Biden and the progressive left’s connivance with Big Media and Silicon Valley’s global center for high technology and innovation. It is more reasonable than not to assume that a jacquerie of sorts was engineered by some within the DNC, the DC establishment, elitists, and globalists who used, both the Four Horsemen of Media (CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC) and the 4 Horsemen of Technology (Goggle, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and occasionally Microsoft) in an attempt to steal the election. The afore mentioned antagonists of the state crossed the line and may very well, have influenced, better stated, altered the 2020 election. This being as it is, something even more Herculean in Silicon Valley was in the offing than straightforward censorship.  

For years, behavioral psychologists, who focus on understanding and modifying individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors relied heavily on empirical evidence and theories of human behavior and cognition. Dr. Robert Epstein, a senior psychologist with the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology,  has warned that Google, which accounts for more than 90 percent of Internet searches, can easily determine elections by adjusting algorithms to favor one party over the other. Given that most people see only the first few entries on a search, the rest might as well be inconsequential. "Google's search algorithm can easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more – up to 80 percent in some demographic groups – with virtually no one knowing they are being manipulated”...he based his calculations on experiments he conducted along with Ronald E. Robertson, a computational methodologies research scientist whose research interests revolve around “how online platforms shape society broadly, and his current focus is on information steering on search engines and other ranked list interfaces.”

In July 2019, Mr. Epstein, a Democrat with a Harvard Ph.D., warned Congress that this was a real threat to election integrity and that Google may have shifted “2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton in 2016.”  He said that in the 2020 election, Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) could shift as many as 15 million votes from President Trump to Joe Biden. Furthermore Dr. Epstein further states that he believed the SEME technique had cost Mr. Trump this time a "bare minimum" of at least six million votes. Couple this with the unprecedented amount of early voting, with more than 100 million ballots cast before election day out of 156.8 million. The damage could have already been done. Furthermore, Epstein asserted that “just based on the first 150,000 searches that we've looked at, and that's about 1.5 million search results and over a million web pages, we're finding very substantial pro-liberal bias in all 10 or at least nine out of 10 search results on the first page of Google search results...” Given Dr. Epstein's calculations, the Election Night ballot dumps for Joe Biden and the Democrats' collusion with Big Media and Big Tech, we are seeing the 21st Century equivalent of what Democrats in 1876 called the "stolen election."

In concluding this post, I ask the reader, who are these individuals who would fix an election of such magnitude and why? These select actors may be distinguished by power, wealth, influence, education, corporate ties... in short, these wanna be dynasts, tetrarchs, heads of state believe in government by oligarchy. They favor rule by meritocracy, technocracy and plutocracy as opposed to the merits of political egalitarianism and populism. Simply put, there are those believe in a power structure which authority rests with a small number of people. In the words of a friend mine, as it relates to 2020 election protagonists; “To the faithful, we’ll call these forces the “powers and principalities” mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.” As for me, I see people who resort to guile, subterfuge, putsch or coup against democracy, liberty, republic as an anathema to humankind.


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