Saturday, May 15, 2021

Why Now and Who is to Blame

Why now and who is to blame? Why the violent clashes between Palestinians and the Jewish state? The Left and its lap dog media would have us to believe the initial antagonists were a “Jewish Settler group who took it upon themselves to evict several Palestinian families from a nearby neighborhood." The fact of the matter is the Court upheld a previous ruling it had made in February. So why the protests now?  Regardless of our party affiliation we should know by now that the Palestinians use events, whether current or in the past, as pretexts, when there is political expediency to do so.  They are a “one-trick pony.”  But the Palestinian leadership is comprised primarily of Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist militants associated with Hamas and founded and influenced their kryptonite, Iran. The true genesis of the recent violence is that the Palestinian leadership and clerics incited it with the false claim that Israel had endangered the third holiest site in Islam, Al Aqsa Mosque.  Is this not historically reminiscent of the same type falsehoods that has sparked frequent terror strikes over the years in Israel and other places throughout the world? But I digress, in preparation for such strikes, they stockpile Molotov cocktails, ammunition, small arms, rockets, bricks... in mosques, schools, hospitals...  and then hurl them at targeted source.  This time they timed the assault to coincide with Ramadan. If not Ramadan, then Layat al-qadr (Night of Power) or Eid al-fitr, Haji, Day of Arafat, Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice) ... Again, I digress, the current, like past Palestinian opposition to Israel is about not one neighborhood or this or that, but the existence of all of Israel.

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