Saturday, January 29, 2022

Biggest Threats to Freedom are Mandates not Truckers

Questions! Are the liberal and questionable mandates being imposed on citizens moral and lawful? No matter what side of the political fence one sits, I ask the reader if these mandates are unempirical, half-baked, spiteful, mean-spirited, and promote segregation? Do not “We the People” have a moral obligation to oppose unjust laws and mandates? Preventing people, specifically truck drivers from bringing essential goods into and out of the U.S. and Canada because of their vaccination status when those drivers are sitting alone inside their cabs, and when the Omicron variant is already on both sides of the border, is really the height of absurdity. Biden like his Canadian counterpart, Pierre Trudeau is attacking personal liberty and threatening everyone’s ability to get foodstuffs and other necessities on grocery shelves and thus, family kitchen tables because of their overreach on vaccine mandates. Consequently, they may very well be the biggest threat to freedom in America and Canada.  

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