Saturday, February 5, 2022

Character Illuminates Wisdom

Just finished watching "Who is Hunter Biden." Following the 4-part documentary several thoughts ran through my mind. The following are but a few: Rank, status, color, faith and even wealth and power, do not necessarily make a person of value to the world, much less their nation. Only his/her character makes one great and worthy of honor. Is it not character that illuminates wisdom? As I view today's top of the rung leadership, I see a lack of both character and wisdom at this point in time. Look no further than Capitol Hill. State and local government, Soro’s financed rouge progressive DA's, education unions, select local school boards, big tech, some streaming services... Solution! Biden could cease catering to his party’s progressive wings fringe, remove the criminals form the equation, and _ _ _ _ (You fill in the blanks). 

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