Sunday, February 13, 2022

It's Not Right or Wrong, it's The Bottom Line

Companies/corporations, regardless of size, are linked in many ways to China, or have some part of their supply chain coming from China, or there are jobs connected to these businesses’ affiliation with China. Good sense, power of reasoning and research, reveals that these same companies/corporations are averse to cut ties with the CCP. Why do you, the reader believe that those businesses that are currently financially linked to China are hesitant to break ties or call out China for their crimes against humanity? Do you suppose they fear imposed sanctions? I personally believe corporate leadership’s trepidation on calling out the CCP’s state led oppression of Muslim Uyghurs, Tibetans, Christians, Falun Gong, and for condemning the violations of their rights and the offenses against them is tied to the bottom line.

History past and present has revealed to me what authoritarian tyrants can do. Anyone who moves through the years of Mao, and Ji’s Marxist rule without understanding that Chinese leadership produces heinous evil as a bee produces honey, must have been blind or not quite right in the head. To the corporate/business leaders, politicos, left-wing ideologues who knowingly turn a blind eye to the ethnic cleansing, I say: It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received or political clout you may have attained, you are an anathema to humankind. You who turn your head for financial or political gain and tune out those who are being enslaved, tortured, starved, raped, executed, harvested for body parts... your failure to speak out, to look the other way, and continue business as usual is reprehensible. The underlying ideological message is something like:  Don't think, don't politicize, forget about the true causes of the innocent’s plight. 

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