Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Reality of The Winter Olympics in Beijing

That the Winter Olympics is held in Beijing. That America and the West participates sends a signal to the world that Xi Jinping’s government is normal. China's despotic government is anything but normal. Additionally, those people who believe Jinping and China are comparable or somewhat analogous to normalcy are out of touch with reality. Xi, like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Kim Jong-un, Pol Pot... were and are intolerant, psychologically scarred, self-centered, evil tyrants whose road to the top can be measured with blood of the innocent. And those who expect to reap some immediate or future geopolitical and or financial gains are complicit for the innocent blood spilled and yet to be spilt.

To the reader I ask, is there not so much more to this world than outward appearances? There is so much more. Societies, past and present basked/basks in the illusion of normalcy and then hides from the truth under cover of darkness. 

It’s been estimated that over 1 million residents of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region have been detained internment camps for the alleged purpose of “re-education”, “de-radicalization” and “body parts harvesting”. Those who have fled the region have spoken of the horrors of forced abortions and torture. There is no doubt that the impelling force for this crime against humanity started at the very top of the CCP food chain. Additionally, China continues to abuse other religious minorities, to include Christians, Tibetan Buddhists, and Falun Gong practitioners... The International Olympics Committee has received much deserved criticism, for placing the Winter Games in China.

If the Olympic Games are to be a force for good as the Olympic Committee asserts, while the host regime is committing genocide, slave labor, ethnic cleansing... and other vile aberrant crimes. Additionally, I ask you, the reader, if t’s possible for the Olympic Games to be a force for good, as the IOC asserts, while the host government is committing offences against humanity? Ever since the Chinese government was awarded the Olympics, innumerable human rights violations by Chinese authorities have been documented. The IOC has not met its due diligence despite the well-documented abuses in China.

The pageant of the Olympics cannot cover up genocide, racial killing, ethnic cleansing...  It’s difficult to understand why anyone feels it’s possible to celebrate international friendship and Olympic values in Beijing. Has not China forewarned the participating athletes against speaking out about rights issues, especially against Chinese laws and regulations? If memory serves me right, China has been labeled by the State Department as a “country of particular concern” for egregious religious freedom violations. I would suggest we as a nation, not only censor China but also boycott American companies/corporations that serve as Olympic sponsors.

As a citizen-patriot I argue that America’s leadership must let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any ally, oppose any adversary, to assure the continued existence and triumph of liberty. “Let us never forget, we are one nation under God. “If we fail to remember, then we will be a nation gone under.”

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