Monday, April 25, 2022

A Call to Arms (Figuratively Speaking)

Let us consider all events, past and present now exposed or transpiring as they relate to the Democrat party’s Modus Operandi and their leadership. Many like myself were on target about today’s progressive party and their MSM allies. We were right about what their stolen election would mean for the American people. Many people, to include President Trump, warned of what’s to come, and now, we are living in it. Tomorrow’s forecast for America is not good. It has become apparent that every unique way imaginable will be used by the Biden administration and their handlers to betray the American people, I know they have, I know they will, I know what they are after. 

As a retired Army officer, who identifies as a Patriot, Constitutional Traditionalists, Fiscal Conservative, and Christian, I have lived through a lot, but I’ve never lived in times like these. We are now fighting for the survival of our nation. At a time like this, we need a steady flow of conservativism so that we’re able to fight on offense and to prepare ourselves for whatever comes our way. Do we need a plan of action (POA)? No! We don’t just need a POA nor a course of action (COA). We need an arsenal in place that allows us to put our COA, and pivot without missing the boat to focus our attention and resources wherever they're needed. If Doddering Joe Biden is allowed to blame Russia, or President Trump, Covid, or global warming etc. for America’s struggles, nothing will ever change for the better, especially as the prices of basic goods needed to satisfy human requirements that are needed to survive, like food, shelter, clothing... continue to skyrocket with no end in sight. It is time we do everything in our power to expose the truth to the American people and show them exactly who and what President Biden, his handlers and the Democrat Party leadership are doing. The just mentioned are the enemy within and it is up to us to expose their dark agenda.  

In summation, we as conservatives, constitutionalists, independents, moderates must focus on out-of-control spending, inflation, and Biden, Pelosi, et al $3 trillion tax scam proposed by our current POTUS and the Democrats in the reconciliation bill. To defeat the left, we as conservatives must choose men and women who will step up to the plate and run against the party of America last. Those who choose to put America First and MAGA, must go to the polls in numbers heretofore unseen with the goal of gaining control of both houses of congress. If we succeed in accomplishing this mission, we can put a halt on the Biden administration’s march to collectivism and bring about its eventual full collapse. Word to the wise: We as conservatives will not defeat the current Democrat collective alliance if no one steps up to the plate and runs on the issues and the GOP establishment runs their usual content-free DC consultant-driven campaign.

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