Monday, October 31, 2022

Nine Days to Restoration or Ruination

It is Halloween and 9 days to Restoration or Ruination. It is apparent today’s Democratic Party is now under complete control of an elitist cabal of machine politicians who control their political party for private rather than public ends. They are escalation hawks driven by pusillanimous wokeness, who continue to escalate an existing conflict as opposed to other solutions. Their modus operandi: divide us by racializing every issue and fuel anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are antagonistic and unreceptive to people of faith and spirituality, they demonize, diabolize, depreciate law enforcement, and shield criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear Armageddon. America is at a critical junction. Our leadership can work to quell both internal (such as mentioned above) and external tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Iran and Israel, China, and Tiwan... seek to bring peace, or it can continue to fan the winds of war and flames of division. Is Biden or his handlers trying to create more division among the American people in order to distract from what he is really aiming to do? If the way legacy MSM is treating the current administration’s strategy successes is any indication, an inferno is incoming. It’s patently obvious that Biden and those he surrounds himself with, many of which are woke ideologues, are trying to create more division among the American people in order to distract from what he and they are really aiming to do. For all intents and purposes, they are exploiting the political division of their geopolitical and socioeconomic rivals. Based on sound reasoning and knowing the administration’s track record, which do you think our current leadership will choose?

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ten Days and Counting to Restoration or Ruination

Biden has utterly failed to address the cause of America’s financial instability, namely: inflation, recession, reckless spending, and failing to ensure supply chains are not in jeopardy or at risk. Lest we forget student debt forgiveness. This gives us an opportunity to talk about Biden’s debt forgiveness fiat. Let’s get real. That income redistribution may alleviate the short-term pain of paying back loans, but the economic drain on taxpayers is going to be lasting and devastating. It also gives further incentives for schools to raise tuition in the future. If taxpayers are footing the bill, why not?

We are inside the two-week window, eleven days and counting before the midterms and Biden is doing interviews with transgender activists about the need to surgically sterilize kids. Did not a TikTok star and transgender activist, recently ask the president what he was going to do to help trans minors in states that do not allow mutilation surgeries for young children? Biden made his position very clear. Biden’s response: “I don’t think any state, or anybody should have the right to do that” ... Furthermore, “As a moral question and as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong.” Simply put, Biden thinks that protecting minors from making these questionable decisions is immoral and just plain wrong. It is apparent the Democrat socialists running the White House are actively trying to piss-off 80% of the country. As for me, I have yet in my lifetime to see anything like it.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Hidden Reality

Notwithstanding the secularizing phrenzy of our time, “Make America Great Again” or Build Back Better” cannot be achieved without leading America to be reverential to “God Almighty”, the “Alpha and Omega”, “I AM WHO I AM,” emphasized that “I, I am He.” “I am life and existence in bold capitals.” No other being in the universe approaches that. Any attempt to adopt a god beside Him is a delusion; there are none. It is leadership in the attributes or character of Jesus Christ, not theocratic autocracy, absolutism, or the abandonment from faith and trust in God, which can accomplish that. 

We as Americans can equivocate about all this as long as we want, but we will be nothing more than Caligula whose licentiousness was draining the Roman treasury faster than he could replenish it, or Nero fiddling while Rome burned all around him through taxation, extortion, or Nebuchadnezzar II’s worldly indulgence or Czar Nicholas II, who earned the ire of his people by failed reforms, disastrous wars, and suppression of dissent. Those leaders mentioned and others of like ilk learned by actual experience that they were not a god. Few phenomena reveal the depths to which we have sunk but that Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan, aka his “Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan” is acclaimed by various groups as the best we’ve got. What I see in America are its political, professorial, pansophical, pulpitarian apostates who betray or abandon the faith and founding principles for which America was established. Have you, the reader, not witnessed the perversion of truth to fit a political agenda? Have you the reader noticed that many of this nation’s leaders live life counter to the ideals set in place for Christianity? Have you, the reader, noticed how many of our prominent socio-political influencers often live lives marked by pride, flattery, cause division, and are more focused on things of the world than things from above?

Lest we forget the words of Samuel Adams, one of America’s founding fathers: “Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by impressing on people the importance of educating their little boys and girls, of inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love for the Deity and universal philanthropy, and in subordination to these great principles the love of their country; of instructing them in the art of self-government, without which they can never can be a wise part  in the government of societies, great or small; in short of leaving them in the study and practice of exalted virtues of the Christian system.”

The bottom line: it is neither Caligula’s and Nero’s degenerate and decadent Rome, or Nebuchadnezzar’s worldly and evil Neo-Babylonian Empire, or Czar Nickolas failed reforms. At the moment, it appears those who govern America have chosen Rome and Babylon.  For America to be “great again” we must look deeper than slogans and seek the hidden reality. America cannot be great again by God’s standards until it has become godly again in its core worldview and values.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Columbus Day is Not the Liberal Left's Real Target

Sad is it not that every Columbus Day is the same? Christopher Columbus is attacked. His statues are defiled. Public monuments in his honor are threatened or displaced. Every year, more states and cities change Columbus Day to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” or “Native Americans’ Day.” And left-wing nihilist professors besmirch the once-revered beau ideal who discovered America in 1492. Should Columbus be vilified instead of honored? Was he really a villain? Should we believe these attacks on his good name and character? Christopher Columbus is treated as a scapegoat. In other words, Columbus is a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.

I do believe it to be more fact than fiction that the liberal Left's real target is Christianity, which formed Western civilization. Christians and all men of good quality should have no compunction about celebrating Columbus Day. We need to fight back, giving due honor to this extraordinary man who spread the Gospel and civilized a hemisphere.

Following Columbus’ first voyage, he gives us the reason to continue celebrating: “Let Christ rejoice upon earth as he does in heaven, to witness the coming salvation of so many people, heretofore given over to perdition. Let us rejoice for the exaltation of our faith, as well as for the augmentation of our temporal prosperity, in which not only Spain but all Christendom shall participate.” 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Fair or Foul Going After a Political Opponent

Do you believe, as I do that Trump derangement syndrome has a curious way of scrambling coherent thought? Witness the Democratic-media complex’s blind insistence the DOJ raid on Donald Trump’s home is just and necessary, rather than a dangerous move for their party and the Republic. In descending on Mar-a-Lago, the department and the FBI shifted the U.S. into the category of countries whose ruling parties use government power to investigate political rivals. I ask the reader, has a previous U.S. AG ever signed off on a raid on a former president’s residence, in what could be the groundwork for criminal charges? There’s going to have to be a look-see at whether or not AG Garland has misused his office for political purposes. Have they gone after a political opponent? If so, is this not beyond the pale of appropriate and acceptable behavior. No one would have ever imagined one political party would be using the FBI to attack their political opponents. This raid, acts associated with it and trumped-up charges/ accusations is really something that’s going to require an investigation. I would not be surprised if the investigation leads to abuse of power. Furthermore, this could possibly lead to an impeachment of the United States Attorney General and charges being levied against others who may be involved in this heretofore unprecedented incident in American history. What say you?