Notwithstanding the secularizing phrenzy of our time, “Make America Great Again” or Build Back Better” cannot be achieved without leading America to be reverential to “God Almighty”, the “Alpha and Omega”, “I AM WHO I AM,” emphasized that “I, I am He.” “I am life and existence in bold capitals.” No other being in the universe approaches that. Any attempt to adopt a god beside Him is a delusion; there are none. It is leadership in the attributes or character of Jesus Christ, not theocratic autocracy, absolutism, or the abandonment from faith and trust in God, which can accomplish that.
as Americans can equivocate about all this as long as we want, but we will be
nothing more than Caligula whose licentiousness
was draining the Roman treasury faster than he could replenish it, or Nero
fiddling while Rome burned all around him through taxation, extortion, or Nebuchadnezzar II’s worldly indulgence or Czar Nicholas II, who earned the ire of his people by failed reforms, disastrous wars, and suppression of
dissent. Those leaders mentioned and others of like ilk learned by actual experience that they
were not a god. Few phenomena reveal the depths to which we have sunk but that Biden’s
“Build Back Better” plan, aka his “Jobs
and Economic Recovery Plan” is acclaimed by various groups as the best
we’ve got. What I see in America are its political, professorial, pansophical,
pulpitarian apostates who betray or abandon the faith and founding principles
for which America was established. Have you, the reader, not witnessed the perversion
of truth to fit a political agenda? Have you the reader noticed that many of
this nation’s leaders live life counter to the ideals set in place for
Christianity? Have you, the reader, noticed how many of our prominent socio-political
influencers often live lives marked by pride, flattery, cause division, and are
more focused on things of the world than things from above?
Lest we forget the words of Samuel Adams, one of
America’s founding fathers: “Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and
patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by impressing on people
the importance of educating their little boys and girls, of inculcating in the
minds of youth the fear and love for the Deity and universal philanthropy, and
in subordination to these great principles the love of their country; of
instructing them in the art of self-government, without which they can never
can be a wise part in the government of societies, great or small; in
short of leaving them in the study and practice of exalted virtues of the
Christian system.”
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