Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ten Days and Counting to Restoration or Ruination

Biden has utterly failed to address the cause of America’s financial instability, namely: inflation, recession, reckless spending, and failing to ensure supply chains are not in jeopardy or at risk. Lest we forget student debt forgiveness. This gives us an opportunity to talk about Biden’s debt forgiveness fiat. Let’s get real. That income redistribution may alleviate the short-term pain of paying back loans, but the economic drain on taxpayers is going to be lasting and devastating. It also gives further incentives for schools to raise tuition in the future. If taxpayers are footing the bill, why not?

We are inside the two-week window, eleven days and counting before the midterms and Biden is doing interviews with transgender activists about the need to surgically sterilize kids. Did not a TikTok star and transgender activist, recently ask the president what he was going to do to help trans minors in states that do not allow mutilation surgeries for young children? Biden made his position very clear. Biden’s response: “I don’t think any state, or anybody should have the right to do that” ... Furthermore, “As a moral question and as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong.” Simply put, Biden thinks that protecting minors from making these questionable decisions is immoral and just plain wrong. It is apparent the Democrat socialists running the White House are actively trying to piss-off 80% of the country. As for me, I have yet in my lifetime to see anything like it.

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