Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Protagonists Involved in The Assault on Life

I ask you, the reader, if a war is being waged on life? If so, who are the protagonists or central characters involved in this assault on life? Is the attack on life being led by a weak, aged antediluvian or geriatric leader and a party that has succumbed to "crazy"? More to the point: Does the “Big Guy”, his VP, Kamaka Harris and those personages, causes célèbres, panjandrums... representing the Big Guy’s party’s extreme left-wing, political views know if they can silence God’s Warriors, the Moral Majority, Pro-Life advocates, Constitutionalists... then there will be no one to halt the aforementioned radical leftist influencers from expanding abortion and slaughtering more innocent unborn babies.

Did not America’s Border Czar recently trash pro-life Americans, calling them “extremists” while defending abortion as a “fundamental freedom”? Furthermore, Harris, like other pro-abortionists ignores the fact that ending the life of an unborn baby in an abortion denies their fundamental freedom of the right to life that the Constitution protects for everyone.

We as God’s Warriors, the Moral Majority, Pro-Lifers, and Constitutionalists are the last line of defense for the unborn. You, me, or our children could be next. This coordinated, targeted effort by Biden's Deep State to threaten, harass, and intimidate pro-life advocates into submission before the cult of abortion is just the latest front in the war on the most innocent among humanity.

As I understand it, President Biden's anarchical plan to expand abortion starts with turning our Post Offices into an abortion pill dealer. It's a direct violation of federal law, but with Biden and his cohort’s demonical obsession with abortion, that doesn't matter. Well, it matters to me. Does it matter to you?

Concluding thoughts: Abortion is not health care; it’s ending a baby’s life. Lest we forget, Abortion today, our guns tomorrow and the dangers of a totalitarian government that rule through fear, surveillance, misinformation, disinformation, and indoctrination... could be in our future.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Derailment Dilemma and So There's That

Has the train derailment in rural East Palestine, Ohio gotten the attention it deserves? Why mentioned this? Because we and our elected or appointed government officials often forget that while railways are crucial to our way of life, they can also on occasion be dangerous, to the point of deadly. This is especially true when trains are transporting mercurial payload and/or lethal consignment. Which takes us to rural East Palestine, which was the site of a massive train derailment on 3 February. Thankfully, no one was immediately injured, but the aeonic human and environmental costs are yet to be fully understood. Judging by the magnitude of the derailment and the toxicity of the load and the dark black dirtiness of the smoke, it seems pretty serious, no?

Take a journey back in time: As was reported by Associated Press, “Norfolk Southern said 20 of the more than 100 cars were classified as carrying hazardous materials — defined as cargo that could pose any kind of danger ‘including flammables, combustibles, or environmental risks.’” Is that not an understatement? More like hazardous indeed. The fire lasted several days. Per Fox News, “Three days later, residents were ordered to evacuate while Ohio officials executed a controlled release of vinyl chloride to prevent an explosion, which sent thick clouds of poisonous smoke billowing into the air.” A controlled release and burn seems like the least-lame of what must have been a bunch of lame options.

To make matters worse, local authorities announced to local residents that air and water testing showed it was safe for residents to return home. However, some of those who have done so have reported sick and dying animals, and lots of dead fish and chickens in and around the area. If other animals are the canary in the coal mine, East Palestine in in deep kimchi. A railroad official said tests had been conducted following the accident without showing any substances related to the derailment “and does not indicate a health risk.” I ask you, the reader, this being the case how do we account for all the dead fish and animals?

During the interval between the accident and now what does our dauntless Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, have to say about all this? For the most part, he says nothing.  By Buttigieg’s initial silence we are left to draw our own conclusions. But one wonders: If the derailment had happened near Chicago, San Fransico, LA, NYC, Philly... rather than a rural and largely white town in Northeastern Ohio, would he or the administration have paid more attention to it?

At a conference on the 13th Secretary Buttigieg, aka, the “Jimmy Swaggert of Climate Clergy" did note that the construction workers doing “good-paying jobs” in “a neighborhood of color” often “don’t look like they came from anywhere near the neighborhood” they’re working in. And what does that have to do with East Palestine, Ohio residents’ lives, be they white or black? It is apparent Biden’s Transportation Secretary, like many of his appointments are in over their heads. So, there’s that.

Monday, February 6, 2023

America is Being Assaulted by Whom and Why

I ask you, the reader, if the left has within its rank’s criminals, domestic terrorists, racists, gang members, radical activists... running amok resulting in violence and mayhem; videlicet rioting, destruction of property, maiming or killing innocent citizens while the media covers for them and blames law enforcement for the nation’s ills? Are some federal entities being used to harass and destroy conservative groups/organizations while at the same time they turn a blind eye and at times even appear to support leftist groups that are actively breaking the law? From my viewpoint what was once wrong is now alright. I see our society going to hell in a handbasket. Why? Have we not witnessed via MSM and/or social media crime being condoned, even praised for reasons of social justice? Have we not seen order assaulted by people in positions of authority, to include some left leaning politicos? Is this by design? Is this the goal of America’s adversaries from, both within and outside our borders? What say you?

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Disney Caves Again to Woke Activists

As you may already know, Splash Mountain, one of the most sentimental classic Disney World rides has come to an end. For those who may not be familiar with Splash Mountain, it is a water ride that takes parkgoers through the world of Brer Rabbit and his friends. The ride opened in 1992 and was based on the 1946 movie “Song of the South,” For those familiar with the film, it was set in the reconstruction-era South. This time period is already fraught with triggers for the woke race baiters. The ride is being revamped and turned into a “Princess and the Frog” themed ride. “Princess and the Frog” features the first black princess in the Disney pantheon, the princess in question, extolls the virtues of working hard for your dreams and not relying on wishes, which in itself is a good thing. As good as the storyline” may be, the "story is Dutch, not African," unlike the Uncle Remus stories. 

Why would Disney make such a drastic switch? It is no leap that Disney, yet again caved to a small group of activists. It is reported that the petition to terminate the classic ride collected “20,000 signatures.” A counter-petition to keep the ride amassed “100,000 signatures.” As we have come to expect, Disney used the minority vote as an excuse to shut down Splash Mountain. The Walt Disney Company is full of woke neanderthal idealists who have been making these sorts of changes steadily throughout the past several years. They stopped saying “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls” to appease the LGBTQ+ activists. To no one’s surprise, they have been making movies such as “Lightyear” that push the LGBTQ+ agenda. Disney truly believes in forcing it’s woke worldview on the masses. That is why the company's stock has been falling like hand over fist. Furthermore, according to a recent review, “68% of Disney fans say they felt as if the Disney World Theme Park has lost its magic.” It is a sad sight for sore eyes to see a company once so adored slide into an abyss of its own ideological making. As for me, I would rather see it sink than succeed in perverting and ruining the next generation.