Thursday, April 20, 2023

Biden's Revision of Title IX Would Degrade Womens Rights

In prior posts and commentaries, I have suggested that women’s rights are under assault by the left and some within the current administration. How so? Lest we forget, the trend of allowing trans athletes to compete according to their identified gender. The anti-biological born female shards have destroyed the aspirations of female athletes,’ girls at the top of their game.  Nothing in Title IX or its federal regulations explicitly protects LGBTQ people, but the Biden administration is advocating that the law should be interpreted to protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Thus, the Biden administration has signaled that its upcoming regulation will explicitly expand Title IX to protect LGBTQ students from discrimination. If finalized as a federal regulation, it would carry the force of law. What President Biden should do is revisit, review and rethink the issue from a woman’s perspective and restore Title IX to protect women’s sports. Those who believe their rights have been violated can also bring their cases to federal courts through Title IX lawsuits. Think about this new rule that President Biden is proposing. What does it accomplish in the long run? It really just opens up the door for biologically born females to be discriminated against on the playing fields, courts, pools, tracks... It’s disturbing, discouraging, demoralizing, distressing, deploring... that we are approaching a world where biological born women are discriminated against in the name of equality.

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