Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Escape the Left's Woke Dystopia


We as Judeo-Christian grassroot patriots must do what it takes to defeat toxic Leftist ideologies like Critical Race Theory. Is it not past time for pursuing and ridding CRT’s toxicity out of America’s classrooms, boardrooms, financial institutions, big tech, DC’s political apparatus... forever. Putting the horse before the cart, we as a free people must be able to counter a number of belief systems being propagated by the above-mentioned entities. Additionally, how do we as Judeo-Christian patriots free Americans of color and all minorities from the tyranny of the Left's victimhood mentality and inspire them to pursue their American Dream and achieve victory against the radical Left? How do we go toe-to-toe with an entity that engages significantly in finance, mass media, toxic pop culture, biased educators/school boards, teachers’ unions, Big Tech, boardroom members, Federal, State, and local politicos... et cetera? It starts by learning the ideology of the opposition, study, research, and a desire to offer more life altering stratagems… unmask and debunk even more of the Left’s venomous and racially intentional prejudiced deceit, deception, duplicity… and reach even more minorities with inspiring message about the American Dream. 

Additionally, working together with the Cross before us we can aspire to inspire people, young and old, regardless of ethnicity and economic backgrounds to expose the left leaning  Democrat’s toxic and racist lies and empower more Americans to escape the Left’s “Woke” dystopia and to love America and pledge our allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

In summation, is not America, now gripped in a struggle between an increasingly liberal secular society that pushed for change and a conservative opposition that rooted its worldview in divine scripture?  If we are to help America become what our Founding Fathers envisioned, then it is up to us to call attention to the dynamic in order to help America, come to grips with the unfolding conflict and, perhaps, defuse some of the tensions we all see and/or read about daily. We must fight the good and righteous fight to save America from the extreme left and by extension win today’s culture war. What say you?

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