Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day Message: Is America Still Worth Fighting For

As another Memorial Day dawns, I’m thinking about the men and women that laid down their lives for their country… I am thinking about the soldiers I served with, some of which I commanded during my 30 years of service in the Army. I think about the depth of their sacrifice and the cause for which they forfeited their future by giving their last full measure.  By giving the full measure of their devotion, they paid the ultimate price to serve our nation. Lest we forget, each person we remember died for a cause.

President Lincoln memorialized those who died in the cause of “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Their sacrifice reminds us that “freedom is not free”, that the price of our freedom has been paid in the blood of our Uniformed Military Service personnel and the grief of those who loved them.

Now it is our turn to “highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.” It falls to us to do all we can so that “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom” and that our democracy “shall not perish from the earth.” Such resolve takes many forms: military, economic, political, and cultural among them. But most of all, it requires a spiritual commitment mirroring the commitment we remember today. Those who we remember this Memorial Day, recognized the United States of America as a Republic worth dying for.

If the extreme or revolutionary Left has its way, the America they fought and died for will cease to exist. Why? Because the Left doesn’t appreciate what made America a nation built on a hill that could not be hidden. Moreover, the moral authority of America, the "beacon on the hill" that President Ronald Reagan spoke of, was an essential part of that interest.

Today, we are leaderless and voiceless from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, at home and abroad, even as the voices of our citizens are loud and strong. ... Voices from around the globe, question whether the United States still possess any moral authority. And as the Left has taken over the center, our fellow citizens have been told that America is evil, and racist, and unjust. Sadly, because of education indoctrination, and “Woke” ideology and, CRT” historical revisionism the adolescent generations believe it. Consequently, they’ve put their faith in authoritarian left leaning ideologues, with no clue how good they’ve had it or how bad things can get. 

The bad news is that we could lose everything our military service members were willing to die for. But the good news is that there is still light at the end of the axiomatic tunnel, if the majority of Americans are still willing to fight for it. I ask you the reader, are you still one of them? Think about this, If the Left’s ideas were popular, they wouldn’t have to censor us via social media and MSM, they wouldn’t have to meddle or intrude in our elections, and they would assuredly not need Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) to boost, thereby embolden their client companies, corporations, businesses...

Regardless, whether the numbers are currently on their side or our side, is America still worth fighting for? Granted, Left Wing radicals are tactically and organizationally years ahead of patriotic Americans only beginning to realize they are in a war. Can we still win the war? If so, how? The first step is understanding the adversary. We can’t save the America our men and women died for until we understand who and what we’re up against. As we reflect on the Uniformed Armed Service members that made the ultimate sacrifice, we must ask ourselves what forfeitures we are willing to make so their last breaths were not for naught.


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