Thursday, May 25, 2023

Truth Be Known

Remember when Bud Light recently forced the woke agenda on their customers, conservatives and political moderates alike didn’t take it lightly. What happened? They coalesced, drew a line in the sand, dug their heels in, and made their voices heard. How so? They boycotted Bud Light, and the company is hemorrhaging money hand over fist, scrambling to correct their gaffe, better stated their error in judgement.

But if the Left’s Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) agenda succeeds, it won’t matter. It won’t matter what consumers believe or what brands do, because they’ll use ESG to prop up woke companies no matter what and destroy the businesses that resist their agenda. Think about it. It won’t matter how often these business enterprises offend us, upset us, disparage us... or make our blood boil. Our boycotts and protests will fall on deaf ears, because these companies will never face the resultant consequences of their actions. If you were previously unfamiliar or ill-informed of ESG, that’s no mistake or error on your part. While we’re distracted with our Southern border crisis, Ukraine-Russia conflict, oval office mandates, CCP- U.S. relations... left wing revisionists or radicals are cautiously coordinating with the private sector to advance a policy that would destroy what remains of the free market. ESG eliminates the illusion of choice. They’re social credit scores, but for businesses, and if they succeed in bringing that kind of collectivism or Marxism to the private sector, it’s only a matter of time before they bring it to our individual lives. Specifically, penalizing us when we contest the system, and rewarding us when we conform or submit to it. 

And what happened yesterday, today, and likely tomorrow (metaphorically speaking) to us is happening all over our nation and all over the world, as globalists do everything in their power to contrive or manufacture by whatever means is necessary support for their architypes, ideals, exemplars... simply stated, it’s their way or the highway.


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