Thursday, June 15, 2023

Decline By Design


Joe Biden may go down in history as the worst “president” of the United States… but what about Barack Obama? Some people assert Obama laid the groundwork for everything that has transpired since 2020 back in 2008. If memory serves me right, Obama led to the destruction of many our cities by coddling up to BLM miscreants and siding with criminals over law enforcement doing their duties... he constrained our military and made light of America on the world stage. Some suggest, though debatable, Obama was the real architect behind the fake Russian collusion. Regardless as to validity of what we as a people may think, the devastation and destruction we’re seeing in 2023 has been over a decade in the making and most Americans have no clue what we’re up against. I ask you the reader, do you as a fellow American think the nightmare, we’ve been living for the past several years came from nowhere? Do you, the reader sense that the current administration is made up of inept simpletons or fools and that our significantly declining standard of living is the result of President Biden’s cognitive state? Lastly, it has been said that “the truth will set you free.” But not until it is finished with you. Regardless of who, what, where, when, and how, the truth could be much darker. Could this decline be by design? What say you.

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