Saturday, July 1, 2023

June Bad for Biden, Good for America

Pride Month did not go well for the administration, nor the extreme left. It began in the shadows of anti-woke boycotts. It was criticized for parades where LGBTQI++ ... social deviants said they are coming for our children and grandchildren. And it has now ended with a Supreme Court decision that says you can’t be forced to support the movement. The justices were split along partisan lines, which in itself tells you much about the Democrat judges on the Supreme Court. The court also determined that a Christian web designer in Colorado cannot be forced to work on a same-sex wedding project. And it even goes beyond that. The decision applies more broadly, giving people the right to refuse to endorse a message they disagree with in their creative work. What you choose to endorse, or not to endorse, is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Again, we have the same partisan split. The opportunity to think for ourselves and to express those thoughts freely is among our most cherished liberties and part of what keeps our Republic strong. Imagine telling Taylor Swift that she has to warble or pipe-up whatever lyrics the government directs her to sing because no one writes songs quite like she does. Lastly, though not directly related to pride month festivities, the Supreme Court ruled the Biden administration’s expensive and wasteful student loan forgiveness exceeded its authority by sidestepping Congress to enact a $430B plan to cancel up to $20,000 in federal student loan debts. Thus, preventing thousands of Americans taxpayers like you and me from being forced to foot the tax bill for this unlawful giveaway. Again, same old song from same partisan liberal judges. 

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