Sunday, July 30, 2023

Who Are You Going to Believe

Can you believe there is actually segments of America who take exception to country music star Jason Aldean’s song; “Try That in A Small Town.” Do not the song lyrics accurately depict instances of aberrational behaviors by social deviants, rioters, radical activists, reprobates, neophyte thugs ... such as torching a U.S. flag; berating, antagonistic, pugnacious combative warlike actions against law enforcement officers, wholesale vandalism... among other belligerent acts? Were these acts not backed up by actual MSM and social media footage on video? Who are you going to believe, the radical left, race hustlers, woke militants, forces of the ignominious and infamous or your eyes?  The song then goes on to warn others not to try such behavior in small towns, implying that residents who live there would not put up with it. In my opinion, acts of abnormal, criminal, or deviant behavior, be it perpetrated in a major metropolitan city, a medium size municipality or small town by societal pariahs, thugs, hoods, muggers... should bite the proverbial bullet and serve the time for their lawless propensities. It is past time, that we the people wake up and see the madness being perpetrated across this great land and demand appropriate leadership consider the rights of the majority rather than the miniscule fractional aberrant few who for political or leftist ideological gain topple this once great land for their own illicit power and thus control, In summation, I post his opinion piece as one who identifies as a Concerned American Patriot, Christian, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Retired Army Careerist, Pro law enforcement, anti-counter culturalist and dare I say, Country Music enthusiast.  

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