Sunday, July 30, 2023

Who Are You Going to Believe

Can you believe there is actually segments of America who take exception to country music star Jason Aldean’s song; “Try That in A Small Town.” Do not the song lyrics accurately depict instances of aberrational behaviors by social deviants, rioters, radical activists, reprobates, neophyte thugs ... such as torching a U.S. flag; berating, antagonistic, pugnacious combative warlike actions against law enforcement officers, wholesale vandalism... among other belligerent acts? Were these acts not backed up by actual MSM and social media footage on video? Who are you going to believe, the radical left, race hustlers, woke militants, forces of the ignominious and infamous or your eyes?  The song then goes on to warn others not to try such behavior in small towns, implying that residents who live there would not put up with it. In my opinion, acts of abnormal, criminal, or deviant behavior, be it perpetrated in a major metropolitan city, a medium size municipality or small town by societal pariahs, thugs, hoods, muggers... should bite the proverbial bullet and serve the time for their lawless propensities. It is past time, that we the people wake up and see the madness being perpetrated across this great land and demand appropriate leadership consider the rights of the majority rather than the miniscule fractional aberrant few who for political or leftist ideological gain topple this once great land for their own illicit power and thus control, In summation, I post his opinion piece as one who identifies as a Concerned American Patriot, Christian, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Retired Army Careerist, Pro law enforcement, anti-counter culturalist and dare I say, Country Music enthusiast.  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

With Woke Curriculum in Public Schools comes Student Mental Conflict and Discordancy

Ponder the following commentary as presented: No sexual agenda, heterosexual, homosexual, GBTQ.I.A.+- or other Woke babble, should be promoted to youth under the age of 18, especially under an entity funded with taxpayer dollars. Our children need to be protected from this radical woke agenda, dare I say, indoctrination, that has besieged our country. One has to be void of a semblance of intellect to realize adolescence can be a complicated, confusing, and convoluted time. Explaining bodily changes and the proper purpose of sexuality is a task not for teachers, school board members, union officials, even presidents but for parents. Masculinity and femininity are part of God’s plan for humanity. A deep conviction must be established that the body is for God Almighty. Developing moral relationships in the midst of the modern social scene is challenging. Public school libraries and classrooms, school boards, teacher unions and DC politicos are serving up immoral toxins precisely at that naïve, capricious, and unpredictable age when it is more likely to penetrate the mind and more rapidly spreads its pernicious and toxic consequence. For parents and grandparents alike, especially those of faith, the fight to protect children from predatory and/or perverse texts in public school libraries and classrooms must continue. Parents must be alert that their children or grandchildren receive religious instruction as soon as they are capable of understanding it; and that nothing may, in the schools they attend, diminish, or mar their faith or their morals. Clearly today’s parents must be careful that public school libraries and classrooms, school boards, teacher unions, left-leaning politicians, social deviant activists, aberrant neophytes... do not blemish the faith or morals of school age children by way of woke and CRT diatribe. In short, the case against infusing "Woke" curriculum into secondary public education is indefensible. It is smoke and mirrors. It is rooted in aberrant behavior and total disregard for America's future. It is fueled by a stunning ignorance of a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning, sound educational principles, which is part and parcel of a broader rejection of reason itself.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Consummate Hate Hustlers.

Enjoy the following tongue and cheek response to another historical fubar by two mutton heads. Ben and Jerry, the ice cream duo has been busy using the proceeds from ice cream sales to promote far-left causes, now having become consummate hate hustlers. Last week, their B&J brand celebrated Independence Day by promoting this historically nescient tripe across social media: “This 4th of July, it’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.” For the record, most ‘indigenous land’ was stolen by indigenous people from other indigenous people.” The B&J post linked to a corporate page proclaiming their first turnover project is returning Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills to the Lakota tribe. The problem is, once this transfer takes place, will the Lakota turn around and give the Black Hills back to the tribes they took them from? It’s never a good idea to get history lessons from an ice cream maker with a hippy vibe that sold out to a multinational conglomerate. Perhaps in honor of the reparations that Ben & Jerry’s will not be paying, they can launch a new flavor, “Eat Crow” – though they’ve yet to launch a new suggested flavor, "Biden Brain Freeze." Notably. the most famous of indigenous people descendants, Elizabeth “Honest Injun” Warren, has not commented on the latest B&J controversy.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

June Bad for Biden, Good for America

Pride Month did not go well for the administration, nor the extreme left. It began in the shadows of anti-woke boycotts. It was criticized for parades where LGBTQI++ ... social deviants said they are coming for our children and grandchildren. And it has now ended with a Supreme Court decision that says you can’t be forced to support the movement. The justices were split along partisan lines, which in itself tells you much about the Democrat judges on the Supreme Court. The court also determined that a Christian web designer in Colorado cannot be forced to work on a same-sex wedding project. And it even goes beyond that. The decision applies more broadly, giving people the right to refuse to endorse a message they disagree with in their creative work. What you choose to endorse, or not to endorse, is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Again, we have the same partisan split. The opportunity to think for ourselves and to express those thoughts freely is among our most cherished liberties and part of what keeps our Republic strong. Imagine telling Taylor Swift that she has to warble or pipe-up whatever lyrics the government directs her to sing because no one writes songs quite like she does. Lastly, though not directly related to pride month festivities, the Supreme Court ruled the Biden administration’s expensive and wasteful student loan forgiveness exceeded its authority by sidestepping Congress to enact a $430B plan to cancel up to $20,000 in federal student loan debts. Thus, preventing thousands of Americans taxpayers like you and me from being forced to foot the tax bill for this unlawful giveaway. Again, same old song from same partisan liberal judges.