Monday, October 23, 2023

Like Others Before Me

Like others before me, I too, am concerned about the security of this once great Republic; not so much because of any menace or peril from without, but because of malicious and menacing forces working from within. How so you may be wondering. Let us look no further than a response to “Wokism.” Is there a growing "anti-woke" backlash? Are not moderates, traditionalists, conservatives, neoconservatives, constitutionalists... beginning to push back against, leftists, progressives, social activists, reformists, educates... who have strong liberal woke agendas? Thus, the woke who are judging the "un-woke" as, in some measure, ignoble for not being woke are now being judged by the anti-woke as inferior for being self-righteous, condemnatory, strait-laced, and exceedingly sensitive. While it might be tempting to call out, shame, ostracize or cancel those who are not woke or woke enough to racism and social injustice, doing so can create a number of problems. No one wants “wokism to be the “road to hell paved with good intentions.” In essence, the table has now been turned and the judges are now being judged. I suppose, in a manner of speaking, I'm claiming to be woke to the anti-woke who claim to be woke to the woke. Now you might be woke to me for claiming to be woke to the anti-woke... I think we just entered some kind of recursive Mobius strip wormhole.

One can only hypothecate what many theorists have long wondered. In particular, how the great complexity of life can be reconciled with the laws of thermodynamics that suggest that “all systems must inevitably decay to a state of greatest disorder.” Is there merit to this train of thought? Ponder this: History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster. I fear the latter, the second mentioned of the two is now upon America. What can we do to reverse our current course? We can do what we can, with what we have, where we are. 

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