Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Tale of The Three Strategic Stooges

When reading this post, take into consideration the values of leadership. Men make history, be it good or bad, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders of honor seize the opportunity to change things for the better. Unfortunately, all too often so-called leaders tend to expect others to be determined, focused, reliable, accountable, responsible, and have integrity. These qualities that leaders expect should be traits and attributes that they already possess themselves and great leaders will not lead by coercion, persuasion, sociopolitical ideology...instead they lead by example. Do you recall the testimony of Biden’s senior military leaders about the advice they gave him on the Afghanistan withdrawal timeline? If not let me jog your memory. Prior to the pullout, his top commanders recommended he maintain a force of 2500-3500 uniformed service personnel to assure a safe and orderly departure of Americans and their Afghan cohorts and family members. Weeks and months later, our “thick as two short planks” President was queried by multiple MSM personnel about his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and his failure to follow the advice of his top military advisors. Not to sound redundant, but prior to the pullout, his top military officials, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley, General Austin Miller, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin did in fact warn him against his hasty withdrawal timeline. Lest we forget, in his infinite wisdom or lack thereof, cerebrally challenged Biden was responding to questions about life and death and American national security. Fact, here is a sampling of Biden’s response to some of the mentioned media queries...  “No, no one said that to me that I can recall” ... “No, they didn’t... “That wasn’t true.” ... “No, no one said that to me that I can recall.” It’s as if none of Biden’s handlers had bothered to tell him that news networks are disposed to record their journalists’ conversations with U.S. presidents. These lies, emitted by Lying Biden won’t be as long-remembered as, say, Bill Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman.” That’s truly ill-fated. Because as prevaricates go, this one is of far greater consequence than Wild Bill’s venture. The long and short of it, The Afghan capital of Kabul fell to the Taliban without a shot being fired. And that was after months of steady advances by the Taliban, months during which the Biden administration had every opportunity to correct course, to keep that residual force in place a little longer, to maintain control of Bagram Air Base as long as necessary. So much for the estimated $84 billion spent to arm and train the Afghan forces over the course of 20 years. And so much for the ultimate sacrifice made by “2,448” American combatants during that long war, and by an additional 13 who died in a Kabul airport suicide bombing that some argue was coming. It should not be forgotten, there is no accounting for the number of men, women, and children maimed, tortured, and slain after Biden, Milley and Austin abandoned the realm to Taliban control.

Is it conceivable that our cognitively declining president simply failed to comprehend this straight-up, simple, and consistent recommendation from his senior military leaders? Or that he heard it but forgot it soon thereafter? But those possibilities are even more disturbing than a straight-up lie. Final thoughts: First; The ultimate qualities of leadership are unquestionably integrity, honor, truthfulness...  Without it, no real success is possible, whether in the midst of a storm, on a ball field, on the battlefield, or in the Oval Office. Second; In Milley’s own words, “It was a logistical success but a strategic failure.” But he, like Secretary Austin, refuse to be held accountable. Neither of them had the honor or testes to step down in protest when President Biden chooses not to take their advice. Following the Afghan extraction fiasco, Milley had apparently found lots of orders he was pleased to carry out, including being the chief military protagonist for all of Biden’s woke agenda orders relating to diversity and social justice, which are having a calamitous effect on military readiness. Truth of the matter, Milley, with Austin in the shadows, enforced Biden’s CRT agenda, executed his faux “white supremacist” military witch hunt, which I liken to Montefalco’s "benandante" investigations as it pertained to the inquisition and persecutions of the 1500’s. Furthermore, Milley launched Biden’s military Coronavirus vaccination decree... Milley essentially converted the DOD, Biden’s pet project, Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Allow me to end this post with some good news and some words of wisdom as it pertains to leadership. The good news: Milley has this week retired from active military service. Milley’s departure will not be a net plus. At least his ineptitude and capacity for using our military as a petri dish for Biden’s woke agenda was known.” Now for the words of wisdom:” Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. 

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