Monday, February 5, 2024

Border Crisis is Absolutely Indefensible

Do you have mixed feelings about the impeachment of Biden’s hand-picked Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas? Does he deserve it? Absolutely. To say that he’s the worst homeland security secretary in our nation’s history is charitable. As for the case, it’s rock-solid. Has Mayorkas not knowingly and systemically refused to accede with immigration laws enacted by Congress? Has Mayorkas not breached the public trust by knowledgeably making false statements to Congress and the American people and obstructing congressional oversight of his department? Are these facts beyond dispute? Have the results of Mayorkas free-for-all behavior not brought about ruination and destruction to much of our nation and its citizens? Furthermore, by all outward appearances the dereliction of Joe Biden and his homeland security stooge is willful. Some people may dutifully absolved Mayorkas, by implying that this was Joe Biden’s fault, but also parroting Biden’s laughable line that the Republicans “refused to provide resources, blocked efforts to update laws and openly defied federal officials charged with maintaining security and order along the 2,000-mile border.” Got that? The guy who now blames the Republicans is the same guy who during a 2019 Democrat presidential debate stated (refer to search engine to verify) “all those people who are seeking asylum” to “immediately surge to the border,” and the same guy who immediately upon taking office rescinded all of his predecessor’s border-control measures, including the undisputedly efficient “Remain in Mexico” policy. In conclusion, I suggest you use your computer when referring to the full text of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 4, which reads, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” If willfully refusing to protect America’s borders is not treason, what is? Those who would defend Mayorkas, let us not use maladministration or ignorance in his defense. A standard that the Framers rejected.

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