Thursday, February 29, 2024

Consequences of Actions

Is a mountain not composed of tiny grains of earth? Is the ocean not made up of tiny drops of water? Even so, is life not but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts? And the consequences, whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching. This being so, why are the Democrats trying to Donald John Trump in the slammer? Likewise, why are the Republicans trying to put Joseph Robinette Biden in jail alongside the rest of his extended political crime family? Could the reason be that both sides think the only way they can win is by putting their rival in the clink? Is this what our debilitated republic has to look forward to as we head for what appears to be the most consequential election in American history. Presently under Biden’s executive oversight or lack thereof, America is going to Hell in a handbasket, if it’s not already there. Are we not getting wind via our eyes of an invasion of illegal immigrants perambulating across the open border in Texas and creep down steep slopes of San Diego like an assemblage of rampaging army ants? Where are they coming from and where are they going? They’re coming in from China, Venezuela, Cuba...  and all over the world. And they’re going forthright to sanctuary cities like NYC, LA, Chi-town, Philly... to get their free hotel rooms, free credit cards, free healthcare... The tub-thumper mayors of those cities are crying and moaning about how they cannot handle the thousands of illegals who have flooded their social services, spiked their crime rates and are bankrupting their municipal budgets. But to quote our supposedly 14th greatest president, “Come on, man.” Lest we forget, it was these same Trump-loathing Woke leaning leaders and their vociferous supports of blue cities and blue states who created the sanctuaries in the first place. This being the case, I l ask the reader to give serious and careful thought to the following truism or axiom: “Through the law of cause and effect we choose our destiny. Moreover, we are our own prophets for we constantly project our future state by the seeds we plant in the present.”

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