Monday, April 1, 2024

Transgender Visibility Day is an Attack on Christianity

The White House is under fire, and rightly so after declaring Easter Sunday as “Transgender Visibility Day.” It is a direct attack on the holiest day in the Christian faith. The Biden Administration also failed to post a proclamation about Good Friday. And they banned children from decorating White House Easter Eggs with religious images. Biden’s proclamation, begs the question: are we in the midst of “Twilight’s last Gleaming?” I have heard it said that the LGBTQ movement is the religion of many in America. The proclamation from the White House, and by extension the Democrat party lends credence to the assertion. I am of the opinion that the declaration in itself is a sign of contempt of our Lord Jesus Christ by derision. President Bien’s proclamation follows: “Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back.” Bidens’s own words, would lead me to believe that he and his political party abhor God, and they especially detest Christians. Lest we forget, Democrats voted to remove God from their party platform during their 2012 summer meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Democratic National Committee literally put the boot to God. I would be remiss if I failed to attest to those who presently serve America via the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of government, be they politicos, political appointees, bureaucrats, Judges... that the path to redemption and eternal life is the cross. The cross of Jesus Christ stands at the center of our faith. It is the symbol not just of a religion but of the ultimate sacrifice and love displayed by Jesus Christ for humanity. The cross stands as a reminder of the immense love of God, who sent His only Son to bear the burden of our sins. Through His sacrifice, Jesus provided a path to redemption and eternal life for all who believe in Him. In moments of hardship and uncertainty, we, as believers, can find strength in the shadow of the cross. It stands as a promise of salvation and the assurance of God's unfailing grace. The power of the cross lies in its ability to transform lives and reconcile humanity with God. It is the ultimate symbol of victory over sin and death. It offers forgiveness and restoration to all who embrace its message.

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