Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dilemma of Progressive Education

In the words of the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Throughout most of our nation’s history, Americans learned about and valued these notions. Alas, because of the Left’s hijacking of historical education in too many of our public-school systems and post-secondary institutions of higher learning. This is especially so, in many of our elite universities. Some may say this is trivial and this too shall pass. What is not trivial is the attempt to spread anti-American ideology into practically every single area of American life... and the fact that too many in positions of authority straightaway retreat when confronted by appropriateness, aka political correctness and anti-Americanism.  

The current college protest theatrics illustrate the vexing dilemma of radicalized or progressive education, which seeks to rewrite America’s history and erode or undermine same. Intentional miseducation or indoctrination is usually perpetrated in a surreptitious and gradual way to render mute the kind of informed patriotism that is essential to preserving liberty. Instead of learning to love America, students today learn to hate it.  


The current anti-Israel and anti-America disputation, like the hysteria for toppling, removing, desecrating... historic statues and the antisemitism that we currently witness daily is the bitter fruit of this leftist progressive educational agenda. To right this wrong we must confront this destructive ideology with the truth about American history and history in general. And we must nurture an informed patriotism among the young if our liberty is to be preserved. As always, “an educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.” The caveat, the educated citizenry must be prepared to defend it.  

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