Monday, August 12, 2013

America and the Tide

Just as lunar cycles and storm surge effect the ocean tides which in turn create shoreline erosion, so too does government intrusion erode democracy in America. I view this current trend of government involvement in our everyday lives as a pathway to tyranny. Thus, I begin my blogging experience. I am not naive enough to think I have anything to say that is original, profound or unique. Plato, Thomas Jefferson and Reagan I am not. Unlike many in the current Administration and some in Congress I possess no delusions of grander. I simply will express myself in hopes of witnessing a receding of the tides of tyranny or drown in its aftermath.

You are probably asking yourself who dares criticize the benevolence of a political apparatus who knows what is best for its citizens. Let me spare you effort. I am first and foremost a patriot and apologize to no one for being so. I am a constitutionalist not a revisionist. I am a fiscal conservative and a balanced budget advocate. I believe "socialism is the philosophy of failure, the greed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." I believe in a strong work ethic not the redistribution of wealth. Finally, and most importantly, I believe this nation was founded as one nation under God not apart from God. Currently, our constitutional rights are being usurped by a government run by elitists who espouse entitlement and encourage dependency on government instead of self. Furthermore, I believe the current administration is corrupt at worst or misguided at best. I believe the recent scandals are real. Real people died at the consulate in Benghazi. Real organizations were targeted by the IRS. Real citizens were spied upon by the NSA. "Fast and Furious" was a real operation run by DOJ which resulted in countless Mexican and American casualties. I believe in term limits for Congress and Supreme Court Justices. I believe a strong military is necessary if we are to survive these tumultuous times. I believe Islam posses the greatest threat to America and its way of life.

My future posts will expound on this, my first blog post. My day's final words follow: The hour is at hand. The tide is rising. Let us unite and hold the standard of liberty high above the waters of approaching tyranny.


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