Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Floundering Ship

Are we, as the governed, being systematically suffocated by a government that appears to be no more than a ship floundering in the waters of ineptness? If not ineptness, what is the malaise in Washington a result of? Let us look no further than leadership on the ships bridge and among its crew. I am of the opinion, and constitutionally can express such, (at least at this moment in time) that the greatest American problem is leadership or the lack thereof. Why do I proclaim the obvious? The President,  his cabinet appointees, and his congressional minions have failed to produce a fraction of the leadership needed to minimally govern this nation's affairs. One would think that a Nobel Prize Laurete would use some historical hindsight when navigating our nation through the turbulent waters of the 21st century. "The decisions we make that will affect our future are based very much on what we have experienced and what we think we know about the past." Leaders may indeed be visionary or forward- looking. The question we must ask ourselves; Is President Obama's judgements based on history as he understands it?  Is his recollections of the past skewed? What writings of historical value were the most significant to his current decision making? Was it the Koran or the Bible that had the greater influence on his theological beliefs? Who influenced his social/economic agenda? Could the answers to the questions asked be significant? I think so.

When our recollections of the past are skewed or faulty, it leads to more skewed or faultier judgements. When the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are trampled upon in the name of expediency or convenience, individual freedom will dissipate. When a country's chief executive extols the virtues of Islam  while at the same time refuses to condemn the persecution of Christian minorities in Muslim nations, then that chief executive's professed religious belief systems are rightly questioned. I will answer the last question in the above paragraph with a question posed to you the reader. Examine the Obama agenda and the legislation the current administration has proposed, and in some cases successfully lobbied for. It does not take a political scientist nor a economists to figure out this last question. Do you suppose Jefferson, Lincoln, or for that matter Martin Luther King had significant influence on Obama's social/economic leanings? How about Marx, Ayers or Soros? One group cries out freedom for the people. The other mentioned group or the likes thereof shout out dominion over the people. Who knows what is best for a nation's citizens? Is it the nation's leader or its citizens?

Now ask yourself; who is the skipper of this floundering ship and what is ultimately its destination? We know its not Grumby at the helm and we are not sailing to Gilligan's Island. Do you suppose our current president, his administration and his supporters are steering us to the safety of a protected port or are we being driven into the eye of a storm? Will we be rescued or will we sink? Will the lifeboats of liberty come to our rescue or will we be drowned by the waves of tyranny?

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