Monday, August 26, 2013

Death on Demand

I ask, who formed your most inward parts? Were you covered in your mother's womb? Are you thankful that you were wonderfully made? Was your frame hidden from God when you were made in secret? Are you a a Christian? If so, do the Ten Commandments have real meaning to all those believers who profess Christianity as their faith?

Can you believe there are Representatives of Congress and other political leaders that have refused to support providing health care to newborn babies who survived botched abortions. President Obama shared this sentiment by refusing to support health care for abortion botched babies while a member of the Illinois Legislature. Does that make the legislator or the President bad? Not necessarily. It does however, call into question their Christian faith and their obedience to that faith. All this being said, it is not difficult to see President Obama's position on the sanctity of life much less the respect for human life.

Ronald Reagan once said "Every legislator, every doctor, and every citizen needs to recognize that the real issue is whether to affirm and protect the sanctity of all human life, or to embrace a social ethic where some human lives are valued and others are not." By refusing to value the sanctity of all life, the abortionists, and thus the supporters of such procedures clearly support a culture of death.

The problem,  as I see it,  is this culture of death brings with it a class of individuals who believe that they are qualified to determine the value of other human life. Remember this phrase: "Life unworthy of life."  Have you ever heard of it? Probably not, unless you are a student of 20th Century history. "Life unworthy of life" was a Nazi designation for the segment of the population which had no right to live. I believe this concept forms an important ideology of secular humanism which permeates liberal politics.

I believe the progressive left is taking its cue from one of its own, namely Peter Singer.  Dr. Singer is a bio-ethicist and philosopher who teaches at Princeton. His ideas about abortion and infanticide follows: "Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping they exist over time. They are not persons therefore, the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee."

Do you see the picture I am drawing.  First it was abortion on demand, then late term abortion, finally we talk of a newborn who miraculously survives an abortion procedure only to suffer a death by neglect or the snip of a scissor. What is next?  Death by injection for the hopelessly disabled or the death panel for the elderly? Is the picture coming into focus? What vehicle will death arrive in next?

To the Christian who supports abortion,  I say seek the truth in the scriptures and the truth will set you free. To the denomination and its leadership I say put a halt to your support of abortion of any type.  If not, you are not representative of Christ's love and teachings. To the minister who speaks from the pulpit yet supports this type infanticide, You are an apostate.

Hitler killed 6 million Jews in his concentration camps, Stalin murdered 20-60 million Russians in his gulags, Mao executed 70 million Chinese citizens in his provincial prisons. We have murdered over 56 million innocent unborn babies for convenience sake. We as a nation, like Germany, Russia, and China have broken the 6th Commandment; "Thou shall not kill."

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