Monday, September 2, 2013

Obama's Own Reality Series

Say it ain't so America. Obama and his administration are staring in their own reality series? This made for TV series will make you laugh, cry and cringe with expectations of what is to come next.  In this reality series the main character is cast as a leader of the free world. Unfortunately, the series lacks depth, truth and star power. I rate it one star, though my progressive counterparts would surely disagree. Those who rate the series higher than one star are the same people who think Honey Boo Boo deserves an Outstanding Actress Emmy Award. Why do I make such an assertion? Look no further than the economy, an administration ripe with scandals, our President's disregard for the Constitution and a foreign policy that lacks strategic direction. The scandals, economy and to some extent strategic strategy will be dealt with in future blog posts.

There is a pattern of ambivalence by President Obama in his regard for the powers of the legislative branch in favor of administrative decision making without congressional input. Is this not in violation of the spirit of the Constitution's separation of legislative and executive powers of Congress and the President?  I dare say, it appears so. Likewise, the Obama Administration has often refused to support or enforce laws duly enacted by Congress.

The President has responsibilities delineated in the Constitution. Those powers do not include the authority to make laws or decide which laws to enforce and which to ignore. Nor does the President have the constitutional authority to appoint whomever he wants, when he wants. There are some liberals or progressives, if you wish, who would challenge what I have stated. Let us not quarrel over allegations. Let us mention existing federal immigration laws and the Administration's application (remember the Dream Act?) and selective enforcement of these laws. Has there been selective enforcement in the area of immigration? Do you think President Obama crossed the line of constitutionality when he gave four recess appointments to officials who were subject to Senate confirmation?

Do you know that the President takes an oath , pledging he "shall faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States" and "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."? Let me refresh your memory. When Obama was inaugurated he, like his predecessors, took said oath.  Two questions:1. Do we need a President who will defend and exert their legitimate powers, recognizing that those powers are not arbitrary or unlimited?  2. Does our current President know his powers come with some Constitutional constraints? I, for one, am uncertain he does.

Thus far Obama's accomplishments as a President leaves little doubt as to his legacy. Unless he turns the light switch on he will go down in history as a nominal Commander and Chief who circumvented the spirit of the Constitution for power. Why concern ourselves with Obama's grab for power? Every American should be concerned about Obama's nearly limitless seizure of power, his abuse of authority, the cronyism, corruption, misinformation and disinformation and cover-ups of his administration. We all know, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."  Has power corrupted our sitting President? His actions indicate it has. Is it time to cancel this nightmare of a show? What do you think?

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