Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The King has Spoken, The Promise is Broken

The King has spoken. A gift he has given to all people's living in his kingdom. What is that gift that all persons residing in America are going to get, like it or not, citizen or not? Let's get this straight...We are now "gifted" with a health care program we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't. Purportedly, it covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor. But, provides for "16,000 new IRS agents." It was written by a committee whose chairman said he did not understand it. It was passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it and signed by His Majesty himself. Imagine, a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare is now showering us with yet another gift.  Is there a catch? Does it involve a bar of soap? The answer to the last two questions are literally "yes" and figuratively "yes." Yes, it must be paid for and yes the American public is being screwed. Think about it; health care being managed and financed by a country that's broke! What else could go wrong?

Hopefully, I will shed some light on a health care program that in itself illuminates little of the dark it was written in. You ask why would I choose to address this contentious and confusing issue? I actually asked myself the same thing. Could I, as a concerned citizen glean enough information about Obamacare to enlighten a few good people. I decided to go where not even our representatives dared go. I scratched the surface of the Patient  Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Let me sum up what I discovered. I learned that a lot of promises were made but few had substance. I am amazed that I along with most Americans simply do not understand what is going on. It has little to do with health care. It's about health insurance. And with Obama mandating a new government health insurance plan, it puts the federal government more in control of our health care decisions. Add that to the spiraling costs, the exodus of practicing physicians and we are faced with a recipe for disaster.

Remember President Obama's promise; "No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period." President Obama was wrong when he said the Affordable Health Care Act would help our economy.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that Obamacare "will cost 800,000 jobs." President Obama stated that if we liked our current health care plan we could keep it. Wrong again. The figures CBO show indicates that "20 million Americans" will be dropped from their employer-provided insurance and placed in the government run exchanges. President Obama said Obamacare would make  health care more affordable. Wrong again. As more and more provisions of Obamacare are implemented, health care premiums continue to rise. President Obama said Obamacare would save money and reduce the deficit. Ah, wrong again. The CBO shows the new health care plan will cost over $1.7 trillion over the next decade. Mr. President, you either misled us or you are sadly misinformed.

The Doctor Patient Medical Association claims that since the passage of ObamaCare that 49% of physicians will stop accepting Medicaid patients; 74% warn they will stop taking Medicare patients or leave Medicare completely; 83% have considered leaving their practices; 65% say rising health care costs are a direct result of government regulations.

In an article written by Nita Ghei I found it interesting that the same government regulations are in fact a regulatory burden on the poor. They will pay more not less. The Affordable Health Care Act "is going to make health care unaffordable to a shockingly large number of poor people." She goes on to say "the burden of regulation falls all too often disproportionately on the relatively poor, especially the working poor-the very people the law was supposed to help. Obamacare, sadly, is merely the latest and most painful hit from the regulatory onslaught of Washington."  I would add that working class middle America is but a step in line behind the poor. Obamacare was long on promises about helping the poor and working class, but it's delivering a regressive tax. The lower one finds themselves on the social economic ladder the higher the price in relation to income earned.

 To my senior friends and readers; Obamacare is a hazard to you and your health. Remember you are in that ever growing line. But in the pantheon of toxic issues none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceuticals. Most notably, Obama's estimable AFC regrettably includes severe restrictions on any reduction in Medicare services or increase in fees to beneficiaries. This being the case, where is AARP? Are they not the ones who purports to speak for seniors? Why did they support a health care law that is detrimental to senior citizens? Do you think, as some people have acknowledged, it had something to do with windfall profits from Medicare cuts? Did you know that Medicare cuts will give AARP a windfall of "$1 billion" in insurance profits and preserve "$ 1.8 billion" that AARP already generates from its business interests?

To make matters worse and personalize my negativity towards Obamacare, my health care provider up and left her practice to join another medical group who will not be participating in the Obama gift giving program. Are you Mr. President, Mr. Reid and Mrs. Pelosi and Washington in general listening to the majority of the people? I think not. Are you reading the the paper? Are you listening to the news? Hello earth, where are you? Obviously, your out of touch with the citizens you are supposed to serve. The vast majority of Americans say "No Obamacare." Are you and the establishment listening? Do you care? The answer to both questions is probably no.

The kindling grows hot. The fire awaits fuel. The king is Barrack Obama and the gift that keeps on giving is none other than Obamacare. The  kindling is health care regulatory guidance. The fuel is massive debt. It is time to put out the flames before the fire consumes our health,wealth and freedom.

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