Sunday, September 8, 2013

Washington's New Dance of Choice

Washington's dance  of choice is presently Syrian Shuffle by quick stepping Barack Obama. Barack will be accompanied by a select few congressional leaders who will  join the Congo line in aimless abandon.  Syrian Shuffle currently lacks enough popular support to make an appearance on daytime television. This failure comes on the heels of the Libyan Limbo  and the Egyptian Two- Step. All three  share one common theme. Middle Eastern diplomacy is a tune that is unfamiliar to the President and his dance troupe.

I will point out why America should skip the Syrian Shuffle. Our dance partner poses little direct threat to America. This particular dance has more possible scenarios than band members. The post dance venue is likely to escalate into a brawl between superpowers: United States, Russia and China. What a dance that would be. Who do you suppose would win the Mirror Ball? Care to take a guess? I did not think so. There would be no winners.

To be sure, the President can dance around an issue with the best of them. The problem as I see it is simple. The President, his cabinet, aides and advisers have no clue to what makes Arabs, much less Islamic nation's people click. He and his advisers simply do not understand the Muslim mindset as it pertains to all Islamic countries. We as a sovereign nation and they as our elected leaders must see Islam for what it is. Contrary to popular belief, Islam does not encourage a respect for the dignity of all individuals. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world. Did you know that?

Did you know that peace and prosperity for one's offspring is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually the world? While Western nations tend to think that all religions live by a golden rule standard, Sharia teaches two systems of ethics- one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Sharia encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and enslave others. Did you think Islamists thought in terms of developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God?  Sharia actually advocates executing people who criticize Islam. To be sure, there are some Muslims who are peaceful..but they have an army that is willing and has already shed blood for the cause of Islam. Remember, the Twin Towers and its 3000 victims to name just one event?

Human rights in  itself  are reason enough for the U.S. to skip the dance and all future dances MC'd by Islamic clerics who routinely issue edicts or fatwas degrading and humiliating females. In Sudan Muslims openly practice slavery of non-Muslims. Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan execute children and stone woman for getting involved in 'wrong relationships.' In most Muslim countries girls in puberty are married off to middle aged men who are incapable of forming normal relationships because of religion. One would get the impression that Islamists enjoy watching others being brutalized, tortured and murdered. For those of you who do not believe me, look no further than the net. See for yourself. In North Africa, Islamists take pictures while non-Muslims are tortured then beheaded. They do this in the name of the omnipotent Allah.

I vote to skip the dance as should Woman's Rights Advocates, and our Nation's Leadership.

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