Monday, September 16, 2013

All Aboard The Red Line Express

What started off as a bad few weeks for the Obama Administration has gradually gone down hill. Its like the little train that couldn't. To begin with, public support for Obama's Health Care Program continues to plummet (below 40%).  It makes you wonder if those persons who still support such a fiscal train wreck have pre-purchased tickets or were promised special perks to ride it. Oh, and then there is the matter of the AFL-CIO and their floundering support of Obama Care. Yes, you heard me right. The nation's largest federation of trade unions have serious reservations about the program. The AFL-CIO passed a resolution this past week criticizing Obama Care. Trumka now sees the devil in the details. One can only wonder why Trumka sees the error of his ways yet the majority of our Senators remain blind to the fiscal calamity Obama Care brings with it. Employees costs go up. Employers costs go up. Ultimately, many workers are abandoned.  I suggest the unions get off at the next stop. Adding insult to injury, the house voted September 12 to pass the "No Subsidies without Verification Act." This particular action was in response to the IRS plan to allow the use of "The Honor System" in reporting personal eligibility for subsidies under Obama Care. The vote was 253-147. It makes one wonder if these 147 who voted against the measure are possessed or simply like train rides to destinations unknown. And, the train ride continues.

September 11th brought with it memories of things past, but not forgotten by the public. Current Administration and the State Department employees and appointees (both present and past) could only hope American memories were short. I am not speaking of the Twin Towers. I speak of the "Benghazi Consulate" or as the State Department now prefers the "Benghazi Mission." Regardless of the nomenclature one chooses to use, the actions of a few of America's leaders were reprehensible. I question their leadership qualities. Why was the consulate or mission denied additional security as requested by Ambassador Stevens? Who ultimately denied the request? As I understand it the assassination of the Ambassador itself amounts to an act of war according to international law. If the perpetrators have been identified, and they have, why are they yet to be apprehended or remain among the living? Is there something the current administration is not telling the American public? Did the Benghazi attack of September 11, 2012 have something to do with arms shipments to Syrians rebels? Rumors are that it did. And the train ride continues.

Now, our administration is trying to gender-up public support  for a limited surgical strike on Syria. Do you Mr. President or Mr. Kerry really believe throwing a few tomahawks and bombs at Syria will bring peace to a turbulent Middle East? Mr. President and Mr. Kerry, you do realize there are more than a few fanatical Islamists who hate America and would love to destroy it? Fortunately, for us and not so for the administration, the public has spoken. The House of Representatives appears to have spoken. To make your train ride more uncomfortable Putin has stepped up to the platform and spoken. He has urged caution. Furthermore, Putin makes a valid point when he states that "It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America's long term interests?"  You, Mr. Obama and your talented group of confidants should have been the ones urging caution in Syria. If actions speak louder than words, and I believe they do, then you Mr. President will have to vacate your seat in the Presidential Rail Car. Why vacate the Presidential car? That car is reserved for leaders who feel a call to serve something bigger and more important than themselves. It is apparent that you lack the experience for the position of Chief Executive of the United States. The presidency is much more of a challenge than community organizing. Anyone with half a brain knows the Middle East is a cauldron, always has been, always will be. Democracy and Islam can never co-exist in harmony. I urge all Americans to steer clear of the "Red Line" express. Its ride is costly and fraught with danger, death and destruction. At the controls is the man of style and little substance. Encumbered as it is, the train keeps rolling.

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