Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Cards are Marked, the American Dream is dying

Prior to the inauguration of America's "Anointed One", our free-market economy was for the most part the envy of the world. Ask yourself; if America was the envy of the world, why is it no longer so? Why change what has worked for the past 237 plus years? Why is America's "left" challenging a system that for the most part functions well . Why are Obama and his economic advisers so keen on controlling our nation's economy and its outcome? Why punish productivity? The answers to these questions may come as a surprise to many of my readers. The answers are simple. The facts,  as I see them, will support my assertions which admittedly are based on history, verifiable economic realities and a bias. I know what your thinking. Bias, me? Yes, its true. I am bias towards a system that made the United States a once great economic giant. I am bias towards a President who is an underachiever at best. At worst Obama is an economic nightmare for America's working class, both past and present.

The economic malaise under Obama is the result of his policies or dictates, if you will. Some of the policies raise constitutional questions. The results of these policies speak for themselves.  Our financial future is bleak. Our children and grand children's futures are darker still. I really don't think the "anointed one" cares who falls on the sword, be it an assembly line worker or a physician. Do you really think he cares? Think no further than the recent death of our Libyan Ambassador and his Special Forces Operators. Ah, let me not digress. This discussion can wait for another day. That day will come.

Back on point; employment sucks, national debt is at critical mass, entitlement programs grow exponentially, higher taxes are more certain than mail delivery, the cost of illegal immigration is alarming, health care prices will be rising as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Now, "for the rest of the story."

For the followers of His Majesty and appointed minions these next few paragraphs will not bode well with the faithful. Did you know that the nation's unemployment rate is higher since Obama took office than it was under either Wild Bill or GWB?  Did you know that Obama's drilling permits languish at less than 30%? Wild Bill approved 52%. GWB more than 70%. Think about that when you are at the gas pump. The National Debt is staggering. Let me throw some numbers out; total debt as we speak is $16.7 trillion dollars and climbing. I will break it down even further. The population of the U.S is 317 Million. That is $52,862.47 per person and rising. The problem is confounded when one realizes that the debt increases by $1.9 billion a day. And we thought the King had a court of economic royalty. How about a Royal" Flush."

Let us get the record straight on what has actually happened following Obama's Ascension to the throne. For the first time in history the United States credit rating was lowered; Federal spending is highest since World War II (and rising); ditto for budget and federal debt (both rising); Employment is less than 50% of population working (lowest since 1983); Long term unemployment is at its highest since 1930's; Home ownership rate is lowest since 1965; Percentage of tax payers paying income tax is lowest in "modern era." ;  $330 billion is spent annually on select programs that benefit non-citizens that are here illegally; Government dependency is the highest in American history. Today's welfare exceeds $700 billion per year; Food Stamps/WIC recipients have increased by 16 million ( and rising) under the reign of Barack Obama.

President Obama often blames the opposition for policy failures (Not unlike Assad blaming the rebels for his misfortunes). The ever decreasing number of American tax payers are being forced to contribute more dollars to pay for costly government assistance programs. Welfare, food stamps/WIC, health care, problems associated with illegal immigration and myriad of other compulsory programs are hamstringing the taxpayers.

President Obama's report card on economics is cause for alarm. He is not going to abdicate the throne. Some how, some way, we must convince our elected officials that Obama and his fiscal and socialist policies are bankrupting the "peoples" treasury. If the trend continues unabated the king and his kingdom (our country) will suffer a great fall and neither Pelosi, Reid, nor the rest of his lieutenants will be able to put him (and possibly America) back together again. Unfortunately, Obama is not a character in a fairy tale. He is in fact, more representative of a fiend in a bad dream. In dollars and cents, he along with the support of his followers are wining and dining with our money.

Wake-up America. Why not a balanced budget? Why not a deficit reduction plan? Why not support the Keystone Pipeline construction project? Why support a health care plan that is yet another burden on the backs of middle class America? Why not enforce longstanding immigration laws? Why the increases on Federal Income Tax rates, Income/Payroll Taxes, Capitol Gains Tax, Dividend Tax, Death Tax, Internet Tax (proposed),  And the list goes on...

We have identified the problem; Obama and his merry band of thieves. We are now educated on Obama economics; punish productivity, reward slackers. Now, is the time to energize ourselves and infuse fiscal restraint back into Washington. If our representatives fail to listen to our voices replace them. To do otherwise is to subjugate oneself to future social and economic tyranny. Wake-up America before the nightmare, in fact, becomes reality.

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