Friday, January 31, 2014

Address After Thoughts

After reading Obama's State of the Union Address transcript, which I obtained through Goggle I have thoughts that I would like to share. These thoughts are not new. Many have been expressed in other blogs I have written and by other persons through various media modes.

Obama's fundamental deceitfulness reference his assertions on conditions in America, his standards, his achievements, his failure to accept responsibility, his demonetization of all who disagree with him, his acrimonious  language, his arrogant  promise to use executive fiat, his calls for larger government, his foreign policy spin and a myriad of other issues he has little knowledge of. The audacity of Obama to tout the American people's "profound belief in opportunity for all." "Opportunity," he states "is who we are." Do you actually believe that "he" is part of "we?"  Obama's deceit, dishonesty, and half truths know no bounds. He actually boasted that nine million Americans had signed up for
Obamacare or Medicare coverage. He failed to mention the five million who lost coverage. He failed to mention that Obamacare had transferred 700 billion dollars from Medicare to finance his not so affordable care act. Did he mention the hundreds of thousands of exemptions he approved? Of course not. He even exempted himself from this great insurance program. If in fact the program is good enough for the people, why not him, the unions and the rest of the federal workforce?

Obama claims to have cut the deficit in half. His current deficit is nearly double that of his predecessor. Obama says that he is responsible for "lowering the unemployment rate." He usefully, disregarded, that we currently have the lowest labor participation rate in decades and that some fifty million people are on food stamps. His spending, taxing and regulatory laws are strangling the job market.

And let us not forget his demagoguery about income inequality, minimum wage, gender wage disparity, denigration of the wealthy. Is it just me or does Obama talk a lot but says nothing of substance? His address reinforces my opinion of him. At times he reminds me of a mime with little personality that lacks the make-up to be a successful street corner entertainer. This blog was a way of venting after revisiting the address.

Inspired by Rambling Rhetoric

"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."--Samuel Adams

This blog was inspired by the rambling rhetoric of a president who's words were often not his own. The words written here are testament to a president who has stepped beyond constitutional bounds and promises to continue doing so. Obama's State of the Union highlights require enormous amounts of capitol. Where do you suppose the dollars will come from? If not the tax payers, then who? If you think the debt is high now, wait till these proposals are penned.

If "silence is complicity", then let us be silent no more. If slumber is the reason for American citizen's ignorance of Obama's multicultural socialism, then wake up America. It becomes more apparent with each passing year what President Obama's America will look like if things continue as they are. It is an America where the unaccountable, inept, ill-informed and incapable reign. It is an America where those who have sacrificed nothing despoil and devastate the lives of those who sacrificed a great deal, hence we have the demagoguery of income inequality.

It is an America where history is re-written. It is an America where vehemence, prejudice, detestation,  class warfare and state sanctioned infanticide are promoted as acceptable means of overturning the American civil society. It is an America where the basic values of a civil society, including faith, family, a free press, and individual rights have been rejected. It is an America where our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been shredded and, with them, every person's guaranteed liberties. It is an America where ultimately, great suffering will come to the American people.

It is the America that Obama and the "progressive" Democratic Party have created with the assistance of most media outlets, Tinsel Town players, unions, post secondary institutions, environmental groups, pro-abortion organizations, and numerous other anti-American entities. Have you heard enough?  Have I made my point? Are not the tides of tyranny rising before our eyes? Think about it.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Empowerment or Entitlement

As Americans we used to value empowerment over entitlement, opportunity over dependence, pleasing friends over appeasement of enemies. We used to try to encourage entrepreneurs and free markets not bureaucracies and debt. We used to celebrate success, not demonize it. We used to believe America was exceptional but that was before the Obama's were "proud of their country." Entitlements do little to eliminate poverty. I believe that entitlements lead to greater destitution.

There are two ways to measure poverty. One is the way the Census Bureau does, by "counting income earned by individuals and families without including government benefits." The other is not measurable in a statistical sense. It is poverty of the soul or spirit. People need to be inspired and told they do not have to settle for whatever environments they find themselves in.

There is no undiscovered truth about the cure for the majority of poverty: stay in school; stop having babies out of wedlock, get married and stay married; develop a good work ethic, save for the future. We can be victorious in the the "war on poverty." This war must be fought with programs that differ dramatically from those that have failed over the past fifty years. Entitlements in most forms do little to lift the veil of poverty.

Entitlements are designed for those souls who through no fault of their own were found to be wanting either physically or mentally. It is for those who cannot be fully employed due to a debilitating condition or circumstances beyond their control.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Value in Entitlement

How the times have changed. Our nation's public officials now too often  refer to Social Security as an entitlement. Which begs the question. Is Social Security an entitlement? Was it not funded from income we earned? Was it not placed in a "trust fund" for safe keeping? Was it not President Franklin Roosevelt who introduced the Social Security Program (FICA) with a promise that it would be completely voluntary? It no longer is. Did he not promise participants would only pay 1% of the first $1400 of their annual income? Its now greater than 7.5%. Were we not told that the money the participants elected to put into the program would be deductible for income tax purposes? No longer so. We can thank the Democratic Party for this broken promise.Were we not told that the money was being deposited in an independent 'Trust Fund' rather than the General Operating Fund, therefore would only be used to fund Social Security? Its been moved and spent. We can thank President Johnson and a democratically controlled congress for spending our money. Finally, we were told that the annuity payments would never be taxed as income. They lied. We can thank Clinton and Gore for what amounts to double taxation on annuities already earned. To add insult to injury which party do you think started giving annuity payments to immigrants in spite of them not contributing anything into the pot? If you guessed Jimmy Carter, a democrat your correct.

Now that we know the real story, it becomes obvious which party was complicit in all the promises made and all the promises broken.  It was always a socialist leaning democratic president and a liberal democratic controlled congress who presided during the broken promises. It is the same party who claims to represent the working middle class. Personally, I believe the democratic party feigns concern for ulterior motives. Those ulterior motives are up to the reader to glean.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Imperial Failure

Has Obama succeeded in making America a more prosperous nation since taking office? Is he a president whose decisions are constitutionally grounded? Is he a leader who stands for truth, justice and the American way? I believe Obama as a president is a failure on every quantifiable level. Forget the "American Dream." His ideological driven policies have for the most part killed the dream. How so you ask? Have we not seen the effects of Obama's imperial style powers that the executive branch has accumulated to the detriment of the Constitution's checks and balances? Do you want me to list a few presidential constitutional violations? How about suspending the employer mandate by presidential decree and other unilateral actions to revise Obamacare? How about Obama's executive order to enforce the "Dream Act" (this without the approval of Congress)? Did he not also preside over the IRS who discriminated and penalized conservative organizations? According to constitutional scholars, "The president cannot suspend laws altogether. He cannot favor non-endorsed bills over duly enacted laws. And he cannot discriminate on the basis of politics in his execution of the law." Has not the president crossed all three of these lines? Sure he has.

And what about his character? Is he not constantly blaming others for his troubles? How often have we heard him say "It was the GOP's fault; it was bad luck; I inherited this state of disarray?" Is it not humiliating to see a president so willing to advertise his own inadequacies, so comfortable with his own ineffectiveness? Have we ever had a more dishonest president than Barack Obama? His lies are also a testament to his character. The truth is not in him.  He not only lies to cover his misdeeds-he lies to get his way. He lies to denigrate others and to make himself acceptable at their detriment. He lies about his faith, his associations, his mother and father. One can only suppose that his lying is habitual and is somewhat associated by sociological and psychological influences of and in his past. To think otherwise is to not think at all.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Dangerous Path we Tread.

"Patriotism means to stand by your country. It does not mean to stand by your President or any other public official."- Theodore Roosevelt.

Is not America on a dangerous path? Is the President and his ideology undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances? Is he and his administration not sabotaging democratic procedures and the rule of law? Does not his regime appear to be one of corruption? Is his administration not assaulting the very pillars of capitalism? Do you suppose President Obama is possibly the most divisive Commander and Chief in our nation's history?

Judging by precedent, policy, and rhetoric Mr. Obama is successfully polarizing America along racial, political, social and ideological lines. He has abused his office, and violated his oath to uphold the Constitution. Was not the Affordable Health Care Act pushed through Congress even though it was opposed by a majority of citizens? The law is manifestly unconstitutional. The federal government does not have the right to compel its citizenry to purchase a good or service. This act alone represents an unparalleled expansion of power.

The most malicious aspect of Obamacare is its funding of abortion. Those groups who are opposed to abortion are now required to have their tax dollars used to subsidize an insurance plan that allows abortion on demand. Is this not state sanctioned infanticide? Does this not violate the conscience rights of religious citizens or groups?

Open your eyes America. Mr. Obama's multicultural radicalism seeks to eradicate traditional America. He is not the most insignificant president of our time. He is the most noteworthy president in our time. Why so noteworthy or significant? He and his administration or his and their handlers are transforming America  into something our Founding Fathers would find grotesque and abhorrent. Why does Obama want to transform America? Because he is consumed by the pursuit of power - of achieving it, exerting it and exploiting it. I liken Obama and his ideology to a malignant tumor. To survive you must remove it. Removal or in the least neutralization of his power begins in 2014 with mid term elections.