Friday, January 31, 2014

Inspired by Rambling Rhetoric

"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."--Samuel Adams

This blog was inspired by the rambling rhetoric of a president who's words were often not his own. The words written here are testament to a president who has stepped beyond constitutional bounds and promises to continue doing so. Obama's State of the Union highlights require enormous amounts of capitol. Where do you suppose the dollars will come from? If not the tax payers, then who? If you think the debt is high now, wait till these proposals are penned.

If "silence is complicity", then let us be silent no more. If slumber is the reason for American citizen's ignorance of Obama's multicultural socialism, then wake up America. It becomes more apparent with each passing year what President Obama's America will look like if things continue as they are. It is an America where the unaccountable, inept, ill-informed and incapable reign. It is an America where those who have sacrificed nothing despoil and devastate the lives of those who sacrificed a great deal, hence we have the demagoguery of income inequality.

It is an America where history is re-written. It is an America where vehemence, prejudice, detestation,  class warfare and state sanctioned infanticide are promoted as acceptable means of overturning the American civil society. It is an America where the basic values of a civil society, including faith, family, a free press, and individual rights have been rejected. It is an America where our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been shredded and, with them, every person's guaranteed liberties. It is an America where ultimately, great suffering will come to the American people.

It is the America that Obama and the "progressive" Democratic Party have created with the assistance of most media outlets, Tinsel Town players, unions, post secondary institutions, environmental groups, pro-abortion organizations, and numerous other anti-American entities. Have you heard enough?  Have I made my point? Are not the tides of tyranny rising before our eyes? Think about it.

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