Friday, January 31, 2014

Address After Thoughts

After reading Obama's State of the Union Address transcript, which I obtained through Goggle I have thoughts that I would like to share. These thoughts are not new. Many have been expressed in other blogs I have written and by other persons through various media modes.

Obama's fundamental deceitfulness reference his assertions on conditions in America, his standards, his achievements, his failure to accept responsibility, his demonetization of all who disagree with him, his acrimonious  language, his arrogant  promise to use executive fiat, his calls for larger government, his foreign policy spin and a myriad of other issues he has little knowledge of. The audacity of Obama to tout the American people's "profound belief in opportunity for all." "Opportunity," he states "is who we are." Do you actually believe that "he" is part of "we?"  Obama's deceit, dishonesty, and half truths know no bounds. He actually boasted that nine million Americans had signed up for
Obamacare or Medicare coverage. He failed to mention the five million who lost coverage. He failed to mention that Obamacare had transferred 700 billion dollars from Medicare to finance his not so affordable care act. Did he mention the hundreds of thousands of exemptions he approved? Of course not. He even exempted himself from this great insurance program. If in fact the program is good enough for the people, why not him, the unions and the rest of the federal workforce?

Obama claims to have cut the deficit in half. His current deficit is nearly double that of his predecessor. Obama says that he is responsible for "lowering the unemployment rate." He usefully, disregarded, that we currently have the lowest labor participation rate in decades and that some fifty million people are on food stamps. His spending, taxing and regulatory laws are strangling the job market.

And let us not forget his demagoguery about income inequality, minimum wage, gender wage disparity, denigration of the wealthy. Is it just me or does Obama talk a lot but says nothing of substance? His address reinforces my opinion of him. At times he reminds me of a mime with little personality that lacks the make-up to be a successful street corner entertainer. This blog was a way of venting after revisiting the address.

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