Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Dangerous Path we Tread.

"Patriotism means to stand by your country. It does not mean to stand by your President or any other public official."- Theodore Roosevelt.

Is not America on a dangerous path? Is the President and his ideology undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances? Is he and his administration not sabotaging democratic procedures and the rule of law? Does not his regime appear to be one of corruption? Is his administration not assaulting the very pillars of capitalism? Do you suppose President Obama is possibly the most divisive Commander and Chief in our nation's history?

Judging by precedent, policy, and rhetoric Mr. Obama is successfully polarizing America along racial, political, social and ideological lines. He has abused his office, and violated his oath to uphold the Constitution. Was not the Affordable Health Care Act pushed through Congress even though it was opposed by a majority of citizens? The law is manifestly unconstitutional. The federal government does not have the right to compel its citizenry to purchase a good or service. This act alone represents an unparalleled expansion of power.

The most malicious aspect of Obamacare is its funding of abortion. Those groups who are opposed to abortion are now required to have their tax dollars used to subsidize an insurance plan that allows abortion on demand. Is this not state sanctioned infanticide? Does this not violate the conscience rights of religious citizens or groups?

Open your eyes America. Mr. Obama's multicultural radicalism seeks to eradicate traditional America. He is not the most insignificant president of our time. He is the most noteworthy president in our time. Why so noteworthy or significant? He and his administration or his and their handlers are transforming America  into something our Founding Fathers would find grotesque and abhorrent. Why does Obama want to transform America? Because he is consumed by the pursuit of power - of achieving it, exerting it and exploiting it. I liken Obama and his ideology to a malignant tumor. To survive you must remove it. Removal or in the least neutralization of his power begins in 2014 with mid term elections.

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